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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Sony needs to stop drinking its own Kool-Aid

Goddbless said:
famousringo said:
As soon as I saw cnet, I knew it would be Reisinger. That guy wear Microsoft brand kneepads, so take his column with a boulder of salt.

He must have had a lapse and wrote this then!


 That is very uncharacteristic of him. When I find the time, maybe I'll dig up some of his predictions of 360 dominance. He was still calling it for 360 earlier this year.

I guess he was getting to the point where he couldn't take himself seriously anymore.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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This fails, hard. Instead of telling Sony to stop pretending that they're living in the 90's, he should stop living in '07. The price for what the PS3 offers is right. The upcoming AAA PS3 games are not available on the 360. And he destroys his logic of "Sony being in big trouble and needing to do something to fix it" by telling Sony to slash their prices to a more competetive level with the 360... leading to Sony being in even more financial trouble!. Well, dude, all the PS3 needs to sell well is good games. And they are just around the corner. It's losing by little numbers even though it's far more expensive, and games will aid the sales well.

Seems to be a bit slanted against sony I personally have a Bravia which is recognized as the best TV's on the market. I do agree the pricing strategy of the pS3 was off. $600.00 for a new console was out of control.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks


And I agree. People gladly pay for the "apple tax", and where are all the blogs of Apple needing to stop drinking the Kool-aid?

He sounds like someone who hates Sony with a passion.

Look at sports DMeister. Do the fans bother booing the crappy players. Nah, they only boo at the great ones. Hehe :)

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Ah yes. Here we are. Only six weeks ago he was calling for 360 dominance, clinging to the "Wii is a fad" fantasy.;txt

"When it's all said and done, I'm a firm believer that the Xbox 360 will win the console war. At a price that's finally coaxing people to buy it, Asian sales rising, an unmatched online offering, and a large group of high-quality third-party titles on the way, things are looking up for Microsoft.

It may not be the leader in the short-term or even over the next year or two. But by the end of this generation, look for the Xbox 360 to take the lead and cement itself as the victor."

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Kyros said:
Aye there are too many analysts around. They slashed their profit projection down from originally 6 billion dollar to 2.5 billion dollar.

So no the company is hardly going down. Apple has shown the world that people are willing to buy a premium for better and consistently great products. And Sony has the same basic strategy. Its TVs are slicker, its cameras more polished and the Notebooks are second only to Apple when it comes to refinement.

Is this the right strategy or should they go down in price and quality and fight mano a mano against their korean enemies? I don't know and this analysts doesn't either.


It's not only analysts slashing Sony's estimates, it's Sony itself cutting its own estimates. Apple and MS are actually holding the line on their estimates pretty well. Sony's earnings are tanking, that's the reality of the situation. It's not opinion, it's fact.


Where this article bothers me is that the author only echoes fairly common complaints about Sony.

Back in the day, when Sony's Trinitron and Walkman were king, there was a (relatively) small priemium to buy Sony products (in the range of 5% to 10%) which was easily worth the noticeable increase in quality. With the introduction of low-cost Chineese manufactured electronics, most name-brand manufacturers have increased their quality and lowered their price in order to compete and Sony is not an exception to this. Where the problem arrives with Sony now is that the low-end Chineese manufactured product has a similar quality difference to the top of the line Sony product as old top of the line name brand electronics had with a similar Sony product but the price difference has gone from being fairly small (5%) to massive (50% to 100% higher).

To put it another way, the entire market has changed drastically over the past 15 to 20 years and Sony's business strategy hasn't changed that much over the same period of time. Over the short term Sony just has to weather the storm, but in the medium to long term they will need to reconsider how the business is run in order to thrive.

It's not only analysts slashing Sony's estimates, it's Sony itself cutting its own estimates. Apple and MS are actually holding the line on their estimates pretty well. Sony's earnings are tanking,

Eh yes I never disputed that the profits will fall from 6billion to 2.5billion on current estimates. As will be the earnings of Samsung, LG and all the other big electronics companies. Apple is a special case because they are currently possibly the most successful tech company around. And MS has its monopolies that provide them with unlimited cash.

The world has entered a recession so companies that make expensive cameras, televisions and Notebooks will have lower profits. Very surprising.


Now if Samsung , LG, Sharp & co have record years next year and Sony tanks, THAT would be news. Alas I doubt it.

More assholes to come my "Crows restaurant"


whatever, it is from, so in away, this is expected.

Time to Work !