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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan First Day Sales (10/23)

Ail said:
Soriku said:
But the other Tenchus have sold more than this. There must be a problem.

Of course advertising isn't the only reason but it's still a factor ;3


Oh come on. I doubt there was that much advertising.


You have no idea whatsoever how Tenchu 4 japanese marketing budget compares to Tenchu 3 budget and are just making this up, admit it.....................



Is the marketing budget for Techu 4 lower?


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Riachu said:
Ail said:
Soriku said:
But the other Tenchus have sold more than this. There must be a problem.

Of course advertising isn't the only reason but it's still a factor ;3


Oh come on. I doubt there was that much advertising.


You have no idea whatsoever how Tenchu 4 japanese marketing budget compares to Tenchu 3 budget and are just making this up, admit it.....................



Is the marketing budget for Techu 4 lower?


I have no idea and I will admit it.

Soriku is the specialist for this and seems to be in the know ( I don't get why he isn't the one posting first day sales as well as all the japanese data seeing how he knows so much about how things are done there)...

But by applying Soriku's logic I can already tell you that Devil Summoner had a huge marketing campaign compared to Tenchu 4...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Soriku said:
lol. Maybe you should read more. I said marketing was obviously not the only factor.

Done yet?


so it's still a factor even if you have no clue how the game was marketed right ?

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Soriku said:
Knee-jerk? This is happening to all systems. I've noticed this with many games across many systems. Don't accuse me of that bull.

Noticed what? No advertising in Japan? Like I said, you don't seem to actually know how Tenchu was advertised, and yet once you found out it was under 10k, you immediately blamed the lack of advertising. Sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to me.

That girly game doesnt deserve those sales ahead of tenchu....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Riachu said:
Soriku said:
How do we know Tenchu 4 sold bad? We just have the shipment sell through numbers. Tenchu 4 should sell 50% of the shipment by the end of the week though.

How well as previous Tenchu games sold in Japan?


Thanks for the data. Those sales even show that PoR's sales were better than DoS's sales.


Even so, Castlevania has never been a big hit in Japan and there is no chance of that changing anytime soon.


huh, what does Castlevania OeE compared to the other 2 ds games have to do with castlevania becoming big in Japan?


as for Tenchu, it used to be fairly big in Japan, as 1 and 3 both sold about 250000 lifetime, but Ds one and the 360 one are both 10~20K games... Time and Tide wait for no man, or video game series


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha so the 3rd party conundrum in Japan continues. They can't sell on Wii unless they have decent hype or brand or marketed well. And can't sell well on 360 or PS3 given same conditions and higher development costs. Poor 3rd party in Japan... I feel your pain.

The Castlevania games never sold that well in Japan - on the DS anyway. Not sure how big Castlevania is in Japan in general.

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shams said:
The Castlevania games never sold that well in Japan - on the DS anyway. Not sure how big Castlevania is in Japan in general.

From what I can tell, Castlevania has never been a big seller in Japan. Even SotN, best game in the series, only did a little over 200K there. It might have to do with the series atmosphere not appealing to Japanese tastes. Also, IGA stated that the series has always been aimed at Western gamers albeit not directly.


Previous Castlevania have bombed in Japan ,so its normal this one hasnt done too well.

Tenchu bombs as well .....

Japanese gaming is in very bad shape ,japanese dont care about HD consoles and the Wii is only having success because casual games and the bigger Nintendo franchises nearly everything else bombs terribly .