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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Woman in Jail over VIRTUAL MURDER!5 YEARS IN JAIL POSSIBLY!

"A woman has been arrested in Japan after she allegedly killed her virtual husband in a popular video game.

The 43-year-old was reportedly furious at finding herself suddenly divorced in the online game Maplestory.

Police say she illegally accessed log-in details of the man playing her husband, and killed off his character.

The woman, a piano teacher, is in jail in Sapporo waiting to learn if she faces charges of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating data."



"If charged with the offences, and convicted, she faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000."



Take my love, take my land..

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This is getting out of hand

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5 years on jail for that pah thats slight over reacting i think

headshot91 said:
5 years on jail for that pah thats slight over reacting i think




Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network

That's awesome.

Can I sue for emotional damages if I get PK'd too?

Pretty stupid.

Fuck these legislators.

*sigh* ofcourse she won't be sentenced to 5 years in jail - that's just the maximum for the crime she was accused of

I guess in the end she'll have to pay $200-500 (depending on how much time the man invested in the character) and maybe is placed on probation.

That's Insane

Thats rediculios

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)