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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - OXM gives Gears of War 2 9/10

"Again, Paul, you believe the PS3 is gonna outsell the Wii in less than 2 years. You said any game below a 9 on metacritic...sucked. MGS4 got an 8 from eurogamer. OXMuk have only ever given 4 perfect scores, ever. They gave Fable 2 an 8/10, yet it managed a 9/10.

All this is, is you hate the Xbox 360. You troll in every post with the sole intent of defaming it and its exclusives. You have already been harshly owned and discredited over the whole Fable 2 situation. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know your comments always come back on you, so why do you contine to even post on this website? Aren't you embarassed?"

No. I really don't think there's going to be a PS3 price cut anytime soon because if one looks at last week's results in others it really doesn't seem as if it will need one to become the top selling hd console.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

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Paul_Warren said:
"Again, Paul, you believe the PS3 is gonna outsell the Wii in less than 2 years. You said any game below a 9 on metacritic...sucked. MGS4 got an 8 from eurogamer. OXMuk have only ever given 4 perfect scores, ever. They gave Fable 2 an 8/10, yet it managed a 9/10.

All this is, is you hate the Xbox 360. You troll in every post with the sole intent of defaming it and its exclusives. You have already been harshly owned and discredited over the whole Fable 2 situation. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know your comments always come back on you, so why do you contine to even post on this website? Aren't you embarassed?"

No. I really don't think there's going to be a PS3 price cut anytime soon because if one looks at last week's results in others it really doesn't seem as if it will need one to become the top selling hd console.


HD console? I thought you said the it would take down the Wii? Explain pl0x.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Paul_Warren said:
"Wow. A 9/10 is bad nowadays?"

You don't consider a 9 out of 10 to be a disappointing score for a game whose developers and message board fans were all shouting was a guaranteed 10 and the guaranteed game of the year? A 9 for Gears of War 2 with all of the hype it was striving to live up to is a bad score and if it only winds up with an average score in the 8 to 9 range then it is one of the biggest failures since Daikatana. You see, a 9 is a good score for most games but it is a disappointing score for the most hyped game on the planet. If MGS 4 had just received a 9 many would have been all over it. A game with Gears reputation has to be held up to higher standards than other games and according to this score it seems as if Gears 2 isn't going to live up to its hype.

There is no hope for this poor soul. What happens when there is undoubtedly a 9/10 for LBP? Are you going to say the same thing, with PS fans claiming it's the second coming of Christ? (Oh, and no need to take me literally, I'm not saying anybody has claimed LBP is actually the second coming of Christ)


EDIT on bold: AHEM!


Read 'em and weep, buddy. :)

The BuShA owns all!

So far Little Big Planet's Game Rankings score is 95.2 which is higher than the first Gears'.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:
So far Little Big Planet's Game Rankings score is 95.2 which is higher than the first Gears'.


You can harp on till you're blue in the face, it won't change things and it wont make your dreams come true. The chances of the PS3 overtaking the Wii are nigh on impossible.


Around the Network
Paul_Warren said:
So far Little Big Planet's Game Rankings score is 95.2 which is higher than the first Gears'.

Can the mods ban Paul_Warren? He's represents everything wrong about this message board.

Impulsivity said:
If it's like Gears of War 1 but slightly better in a few ways (Horde added, expanded campaign, a few new weapons) then a 9 is about right. Gears was a 9 for its time, it was good but not amazing; it had fun multiplayer but with severe limitations (4v4 just doesn't cut it compared to the new 16v16 or bigger multiplayer landscape). What really moved it from a 7 or 8 to a 9 was the coop which was done better then almost any other game I can think of as far as FPS games are concerned. Army of Two, which also had pretty decent coop, looks downright clumsy by comparison (ditto for Resistance, Halo and others). It was a slightly above average shooter when played alone, but a really fun shooter when played with someone else esp on higher dif levels. Some parts of that game really hit that nice spot between painfully hard and fair as far as rewarding skill (the final boss on the hardest dif level for instance).


At bold: Dude! If you reviewed motorcycles im sure you'd complain that they carried only one or two people instead of up to 12 for the biggest SUVs.

For other pearls of wisdom you might add:

1. Yes its designed to be third person.

2. No it isn't any more Gears 1.5 than any other sequel coming out this year.

3. No it doesn't suck because its on the Xbox 360.

4. No the Xbox 360 isn't maxxed out by this game because A - Its built off a multiplat engine, B they are improving the SDK all the time and C, Tessellation won't be implemented until next year.


Paul_Warren said:
So far Little Big Planet's Game Rankings score is 95.2 which is higher than the first Gears'.

...and so far, Fable 2's metacritic score is 90, higher than all but 5(?) PS3 games. Yet you flame the hell out of Fable 2 despite the fact you've never played it.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


i dont see why people put so much into metatrac scores... why let someone decide why you by the game??



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