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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - OXM gives Gears of War 2 9/10

pbroy said:
Fable 2 got a 9.5, but nevertheless Gears 2 will sell more.



This is the OXM UK, which gave Fable 2 an 8/10

OXM US gave Fable 2 a 9.5.

I can't blame you, since the topic title is purposefully misleading.

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Hmmm, it should have gotten the Mechagodzilla 11, lol (please don't take that seriously, it's just a joke) 9 is a great score, but I was still a little surprised. I still bet it'll average a 95 or so.



Paul_Warren said:
"9 out of 10 is impressive....but we knew this game woul be impressive anyway"

Yeah right. This is the kind of crowd that says a review score of 6 is impressive as long as its on a game they worship.


OPM just gave Resistance 2 9/10.

You gonna say the same about that one?


Also, everyone, Paul_Warren believes that any game with 89 or lower on metacritic "isn't that good" which includes uncharted and rachet and clank.

He also believes that the PS3 will outsell the Wii by Xmas 2010.

These are recent statements from this troll, who continues to troll and hate in every post he makes. If Gears 2 ends up with a higher meta average than Resistance 2, he'll say Gears 2 is over-rated.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


If it's like Gears of War 1 but slightly better in a few ways (Horde added, expanded campaign, a few new weapons) then a 9 is about right. Gears was a 9 for its time, it was good but not amazing; it had fun multiplayer but with severe limitations (4v4 just doesn't cut it compared to the new 16v16 or bigger multiplayer landscape). What really moved it from a 7 or 8 to a 9 was the coop which was done better then almost any other game I can think of as far as FPS games are concerned. Army of Two, which also had pretty decent coop, looks downright clumsy by comparison (ditto for Resistance, Halo and others). It was a slightly above average shooter when played alone, but a really fun shooter when played with someone else esp on higher dif levels. Some parts of that game really hit that nice spot between painfully hard and fair as far as rewarding skill (the final boss on the hardest dif level for instance).

Gears, and other FPS games for that matter (yes including Resistance 2) are sort of hurt by there being so damn many FPS games that the bar for perfection is pretty high (the 10/10 bar). I mean how many FPS games came out this past year? At least 20 titles of decent or better quality (7.5+) from my count. Gears does some things better then a lot of the crop, but the crop is so big and games like Call of Duty 4, Crysis and others are so good its pretty damn hard to make a "whoa I've never seen that before" game in the FPS or TPS genre.

I just hope Gears makes it to the PC soon, the original was way more fun on PC IMO (it looked a lot better for sure, and the extra levels made the overly short campaign MUCH better overall) ideally with the same kind of additions that the first had. The biggest most important addition though? Mouse and keyboard+free online play=win.

Gears 2 will almost certainly sell more then Fable 2, I mean look at the sales for FPS games like Call of Duty, Halo, the original gears ect. A pretty good (9) FPS will outsell a pretty good (8.5-9.0) RPG like Fable 2 every time. I mean Mass Effect was better then Fable 2 by a good margin (having played both now), quite possibly the best action RPG of all time, and it hit about 2 million to Call of Duty 4s 6.5 million. The RPG market may be more enthusiastic and/or vocal then the FPS market on boards like this, but its quite a bit smaller (and most action RPG fans like FPS games and will buy both, while most FPS fans don't necessarily like action RPGs and won't buy both).

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

BTW, only 4 games ever were given 10/10 from OXM UK. They are:

Bioshock, GTAIV, PGR4, and Elder Scroll Oblivion.

Also, they aren't biased towards Microsoft:

Official Xbox Magazine is created under license by an independent, external company (Future US, publisher of gaming magazines including PC Gamer, PSM, and Nintendo Power); that licensing agreement lasts until 2011.[4] In the Magazine Stuff section of its Frequently Asked Questions list, OXM maintains that its content is not dictated by Microsoft.[5]

Also, OXM UK, gave Fable 2 a 8/10, and it ended up with a 9/10 on metacritic.

OPMUK, however, has given 7 "highest accolade" awards on the Playstation 3 library, alone. OXM UK is one of the harshest reviews out there. OPMuk is not.

Not that I'd be worried, but if I was, I'd be more worried about the OPMuk 9/10 for Resistance 2, than the 9/10 from OXM UK, because they don't give out their highest accolades like candy.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
BTW, only 4 games ever were given 10/10 from OXM UK. They are:

Bioshock, GTAIV, PGR4, and Elder Scroll Oblivion.

Also, they aren't biased towards Microsoft:

Official Xbox Magazine is created under license by an independent, external company (Future US, publisher of gaming magazines including PC Gamer, PSM, and Nintendo Power); that licensing agreement lasts until 2011.[4] In the Magazine Stuff section of its Frequently Asked Questions list, OXM maintains that its content is not dictated by Microsoft.[5]

Also, OXM UK, gave Fable 2 a 8/10, and it ended up with a 9/10 on metacritic.

OPMUK, however, has given 7 "highest accolade" awards on the Playstation 3 library, alone. OXM UK is one of the harshest reviews out there. OPMuk is not.

Not that I'd be worried, but if I was, I'd be more worried about the OPMuk 9/10 for Resistance 2, than the 9/10 from OXM UK, because they don't give out their highest accolades like candy.

Listen to this man.

"OPM just gave Resistance 2 9/10.

You gonna say the same about that one?"

No, because I don't remember Resistance's fans saying Resistance 2 was going to be the best Game of this Year by far as Gears fans and developers all seemed to be doing, and I expect the X-Fans to still keep crowing about how great Gears 2 is even if it winds up with a Metacritic score of 80. Such an action would just show them to be Gears cultists. What a 90 for Resistance 2 shows me is that it is so far considered to be just as good as Gears 2 by the press and if such a trend holds up as I said a long time ago, then that would an impact on Gears 2's sales. If Gears 2 and Resistance 2 are equal, then I wouldn't really look to either one being the dominant game of the holiday season but to other things such as blu-ray on PS3, a better upcoming game library by far for the PS3, and a real AAA game like Little Big Planet -- Game Rankings score of 95.2 -- having more of an impact on upcoming console sales.

"Also, everyone, Paul_Warren believes that any game with 89 or lower on metacritic "isn't that good" which includes uncharted and rachet and clank."

Yes, but you see, on things of that nature I look to other sources than metacritic. I look at IGN, widely considered to be the greatest game website on the internet and Dave Halverson's Play magazine which much like his earlier Diehard Gamefan can easily be considered the Greatest American Video Game Magazine of All Time; and IGN gave Ratchet and Clank Future a 94, the same score they gave Gears of War I; and Uncharted which they gave a 91 -- three points higher than their score for Fable 2. Persona 3: FES on the PS2 was also given a higher score by IGN that was Fable 2. And Play magazine gave Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank Future, and Persona 3: Fes 10s. I'll trust Dave Halverson and his experience in reviewing great games all the way back to the early nineties far more than any young kid working at a magazine like Edge that has no history whatsoever to support its opinion any day of the week.

As Malachi Martin said on Coast to Coast AM a few years ago, I am allowed to look at more sources of information than just one.

"He also believes that the PS3 will outsell the Wii by Xmas 2010."

Time will tell. If the PS3 continues to receive better and better games over the next couple of years that really show off its tech while the Wii only gets 7.5-8.5 rated and Wii Music and Animal Crossing: The Lesser One quality games while waiting to have Zelda and Mario come back to the system in a couple of years, then I would be surprised if the PS3 doesn't at least put up a good fight.  I do think that people are starting to wise up to some facets of the Wii as Wii Music doesn't seem to be burning the barns down when it comes to sales right now.

"These are recent statements from this troll, who continues to troll and hate in every post he makes. If Gears 2 ends up with a higher meta average than Resistance 2, he'll say Gears 2 is over-rated."

No, I won't. But I will say what I've said before, if Gears 2 winds up as a 9.4 and Resistance 2 comes it as a 9.3, then there's not going to be that much of a difference in sales. Gears of War 2 as a 10 could have a big Effect on improving the 360's sales in some territory other than the US but Gears at a 9.4 and Resistance 2 at a 9.3 will lead to a stalemate between the two and the probability that Resistance 2 will sell better in others. If Gears gets an 8.5 and Resistance 2 a 90+ there could be a changing of the guard on which series is considered to be the best shooter of this gen.


My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Wow. A 9/10 is bad nowadays?

These "hardcore" gamers are never satisfied. It is as Snake612 would say, "quite pathetic".

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

"Wow. A 9/10 is bad nowadays?"

You don't consider a 9 out of 10 to be a disappointing score for a game whose developers and message board fans were all shouting was a guaranteed 10 and the guaranteed game of the year? A 9 for Gears of War 2 with all of the hype it was striving to live up to is a bad score and if it only winds up with an average score in the 8 to 9 range then it is one of the biggest failures since Daikatana. You see, a 9 is a good score for most games but it is a disappointing score for the most hyped game on the planet. If MGS 4 had just received a 9 many would have been all over it. A game with Gears reputation has to be held up to higher standards than other games and according to this score it seems as if Gears 2 isn't going to live up to its hype.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:
"Wow. A 9/10 is bad nowadays?"

You don't consider a 9 out of 10 to be a disappointing score for a game whose developers and message board fans were all shouting was a guaranteed 10 and the guaranteed game of the year? A 9 for Gears of War 2 with all of the hype it was striving to live up to is a bad score and if it only winds up with an average score in the 8 to 9 range then it is one of the biggest failures since Daikatana. You see, a 9 is a good score for most games but it is a disappointing score for the most hyped game on the planet. If MGS 4 had just received a 9 many would have been all over it. A game with Gears reputation has to be held up to higher standards than other games and according to this score it seems as if Gears 2 isn't going to live up to its hype.


Again, Paul, you believe the PS3 is gonna outsell the Wii in less than 2 years. You said any game below a 9 on metacritic...sucked. MGS4 got an 8 from eurogamer. OXMuk have only ever given 4 perfect scores, ever. They gave Fable 2 an 8/10, yet it managed a 9/10.

All this is, is you hate the Xbox 360. You troll in every post with the sole intent of defaming it and its exclusives. You have already been harshly owned and discredited over the whole Fable 2 situation. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know your comments always come back on you, so why do you contine to even post on this website? Aren't you embarassed?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.