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Forums - Sony Discussion - Round 4: Guess which Sony games these songs are from

I know but it doesn't work. Well that's good for you, cause I'm the best at that game lol =p

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Tremble said:
I know but it doesn't work. Well that's good for you, cause I'm the best at that game lol =p

What music player are you using? Maybe you should try with another, like Media Player Classic


I'm having problems with Mediafire, sucks...

The Anarchyz said:
I'm having problems with Mediafire, sucks...

I'm having problems with my Internet connection, but when I can I'll upload it to rapidshare


There, posted my responses. I'm sure I only missed 3 of them. o_O

I want to suggest songs for a special SNES version!!!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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Well, for some reason I'm having problems to update the spreadsheet because my Internet connection is acting like dial-up, but when I can I'll update it

Top scores so far
#1 SHMUPGurus 7
#2 Xen 5
= Mirson 5

Well, I finally managed to update the spreadsheet, SHMUPGurus leads now the contest

c0rd said:

Ah, only know half of these. Does anything with SMT in it count as a series?

If not I'm going for Suikoden guesses

Well, I'd count all the Persona/SMT/Devil Summoner as one series, if you really want to know, but you shouldn't want to

Wow... listened to it once and I think I only can figure out 3.... this lowers my self esteem.....

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
Wow... listened to it once and I think I only can figure out 3.... this lowers my self esteem.....

Please sumbit, I'd do anything to get more players, even if I have to give free points

Double post