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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 is now officially the next MS Triple AAA game

Paul_Warren said:

"LOL. WTF?!?!"

I'll try to make it simpler for you.

IGN widely considered to be the best video game website on the internet gave Uncharted a 91 and Fable II an 88.


And let me remind you that IGN gave three ratings to both those games:

Uncharted: 91 (US), 84 (UK) and 89 (AU) ~ Average = 88

Fable II: 88 (US), 95(UK) and 92 (AU) ~ Average = 91.7



(And on a completely different note, in light of the financial crisis doesn't everyone who uses the term AAA to define quality automatically sound really silly?)

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 
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Picko said:
Paul_Warren said:

"LOL. WTF?!?!"

I'll try to make it simpler for you.

IGN widely considered to be the best video game website on the internet gave Uncharted a 91 and Fable II an 88.


And let me remind you that IGN gave three ratings to both those games:

Uncharted: 91 (US), 84 (UK) and 89 (AU) ~ Average = 88

Fable II: 88 (US), 95(UK) and 92 (AU) ~ Average = 91.7



(And on a completely different note, in light of the financial crisis doesn't everyone who uses the term AAA to define quality automatically sound really silly?)


Pretty  Not sure why people cant give the props to fable 2 for being triple A title

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

oweverToo many things to reply to really.

@Zen...I'm not 40, I'm 35. There is a difference. Do you know basic math?

     And what happened to me?  I got bit by a werewolf while trying to protect some random girl at a carnival in Kentucky where my family had a barony, and now I am an immortal werewolf though truly through no fault of my own.  You know, as the rain falls to the stream and the stream flows to the river.

Dave Halverson says Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a 90? I knew it was going to be better than Fable II.  However, part of Play and Gamefan's charm is that they have always been the champions of good games that were destined to get poor review scores from most other publications or that for some reason just weren't going to have the mass market appeal of some games that might not actually be the best games out there.


     This gen they've given 10s to Heavenly Sword, Persona 3:  FES, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank Future, MGS 4, GTA 4, Kenshan!, Gears of War, and 9's to Folklore, Lost Odyssey, and Beast Rider.



My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul, seriously, you cant credit anyone that gave a ten too Heavenly Sword with that much relevance.

Letalone a 9 for Folklore.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Paul_Warren said:

oweverToo many things to reply to really.

@Zen...I'm not 40, I'm 35. There is a difference. Do you know basic math?

     And what happened to me?  I got bit by a werewolf while trying to protect some random girl at a carnival in Kentucky where my family had a barony, and now I am an immortal werewolf though truly through no fault of my own.  You know, as the rain falls to the stream and the stream flows to the river.

Dave Halverson says Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a 90? I knew it was going to be better than Fable II.  However, part of Play and Gamefan's charm is that they have always been the champions of good games that were destined to get poor review scores from most other publications or that for some reason just weren't going to have the mass market appeal of some games that might not actually be the best games out there.


     This gen they've given 10s to Heavenly Sword, Persona 3:  FES, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank Future, MGS 4, GTA 4, Kenshan!, Gears of War, and 9's to Folklore, Lost Odyssey, and Beast Rider.



Dude....I can't believe you're 35. I just can't....I mean...why are you so immature? You read your own posts, right? Would you classify them as mature?

I thought you were like....eight....

Anyway, I already owned the haters in this thread, when I pointed out the much less harsh OPMuk gave R2 a 9/10, which according to them is worse than quite a few other PS3 games, while according to OXMuk, Gears 2 could still be the 5th best game on the Xbox 360, and they sure as hell don't get the final say. At the very least, we'll have to wait for all reviews to come in, before we lable either of these games anything.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network

Also, and "Oh Snap!" to me for pointing this out:

Resistance 2 got a 9/10 from PSM uk

So did Resistance 1

Gears 2 got a 9/10 from OXM uk

So did Gears 1

So, if Gears 2 is only as good as Gears 1, then Resistance 2 is only as good as Resistance 1, according to these reviews.

No, go ahead, try to use them to flame Gears 2, lol. You can't! That's what I'm talking about. Sweet, sweet nectar.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Paul_Warren said:

oweverToo many things to reply to really.

@Zen...I'm not 40, I'm 35. There is a difference. Do you know basic math?

And what happened to me? I got bit by a werewolf while trying to protect some random girl at a carnival in Kentucky where my family had a barony, and now I am an immortal werewolf though truly through no fault of my own. You know, as the rain falls to the stream and the stream flows to the river.

Dave Halverson says Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a 90? I knew it was going to be better than Fable II. However, part of Play and Gamefan's charm is that they have always been the champions of good games that were destined to get poor review scores from most other publications or that for some reason just weren't going to have the mass market appeal of some games that might not actually be the best games out there.


This gen they've given 10s to Heavenly Sword, Persona 3: FES, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank Future, MGS 4, GTA 4, Kenshan!, Gears of War, and 9's to Folklore, Lost Odyssey, and Beast Rider.



Dude....I can't believe you're 35. I just can't....I mean...why are you so immature? You read your own posts, right? Would you classify them as mature?

I thought you were like....eight....

Anyway, I already owned the haters in this thread, when I pointed out the much less harsh OPMuk gave R2 a 9/10, which according to them is worse than quite a few other PS3 games, while according to OXMuk, Gears 2 could still be the 5th best game on the Xbox 360, and they sure as hell don't get the final say. At the very least, we'll have to wait for all reviews to come in, before we lable either of these games anything.


To be honest Zen, I thought you were like 12 when I first saw you posting here...

Thats a 12 year old with a PHD graduated from Yale, with an I.Q of over 200.


Squilliam said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Paul_Warren said:

oweverToo many things to reply to really.

@Zen...I'm not 40, I'm 35. There is a difference. Do you know basic math?

And what happened to me? I got bit by a werewolf while trying to protect some random girl at a carnival in Kentucky where my family had a barony, and now I am an immortal werewolf though truly through no fault of my own. You know, as the rain falls to the stream and the stream flows to the river.

Dave Halverson says Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a 90? I knew it was going to be better than Fable II. However, part of Play and Gamefan's charm is that they have always been the champions of good games that were destined to get poor review scores from most other publications or that for some reason just weren't going to have the mass market appeal of some games that might not actually be the best games out there.


This gen they've given 10s to Heavenly Sword, Persona 3: FES, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank Future, MGS 4, GTA 4, Kenshan!, Gears of War, and 9's to Folklore, Lost Odyssey, and Beast Rider.



Dude....I can't believe you're 35. I just can't....I mean...why are you so immature? You read your own posts, right? Would you classify them as mature?

I thought you were like....eight....

Anyway, I already owned the haters in this thread, when I pointed out the much less harsh OPMuk gave R2 a 9/10, which according to them is worse than quite a few other PS3 games, while according to OXMuk, Gears 2 could still be the 5th best game on the Xbox 360, and they sure as hell don't get the final say. At the very least, we'll have to wait for all reviews to come in, before we lable either of these games anything.


To be honest Zen, I thought you were like 12 when I first saw you posting here...

Thats a 12 year old with a PHD graduated from Yale, with an I.Q of over 200.

lol, I like you too bro. ;)

You know I bought that computer you recommended, right? Typing on it right now. Playing World of Goo, lol.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Squilliam said:


To be honest Zen, I thought you were like 12 when I first saw you posting here...

Thats a 12 year old with a PHD graduated from Yale, with an I.Q of over 200.

lol, I like you too bro. ;)

You know I bought that computer you recommended, right? Typing on it right now. Playing World of Goo, lol.



It was funny when you got into an argument with Mafoo and he had a computer specced out by me as well!

But im really glad you like it.


I want to play this game and see how much better it is compared to the first. PC version come out faster!