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Forums - Sony Discussion - My Biggest Gripe With The PS3

twesterm said:
Wiped said:

Signing into the Playstation Network. It would take too long too explain, so here's a typical example:

- I wake up. After breakfast, I turn on my wireless box and the PS3 n Tv. I wait for the box to become ready (takes about a minute) then I press "sign in". It doesnt work. It simply DOESNT WORK if my PS3 was turned on before my wireless box. Unless I turn on the wireless box, wait until it's ready, then turn the PS3 on, it wont sign in. Why? If I play Uncharted, then decide to play Wipeout HD online, I have to turn off the PS3, turn my wireless box on, then turn the PS3 back on again. It's ridiculous.

Does anyone else have this problem?

(And no, it isnt my box. The Wii can connect to it whenever it wants, even if I turn the box on after the Wii has begun connecting).


That doesn't sound like a problem with the PS3...

The thought of someone turning off their router to save money makes me giggle.

Around the Network

You should troubleshoot this on your router. The PS3 doesn't care if it is able to pull an IP address at boot. If it doesn't have one when you try to use the network it will establish a connection at the moment it needs an address. I never have a problem when I reboot my router while my PS3 is running.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



i have problems with my PS3 and internet connection, too.

I am able to connect when I power on my system, but for some reason game updates don't complete. The download stops anywhere from 1-30% and then the connection will drop. Does this happen to anyone else?

mtofu said:
i have problems with my PS3 and internet connection, too.

I am able to connect when I power on my system, but for some reason game updates don't complete. The download stops anywhere from 1-30% and then the connection will drop. Does this happen to anyone else?


That happens to me too, but I've got a really crap internet service to blame :(

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

gebx said:
Xen said:
wfz said:
Wireless box.... lol... epic.

The main gripe I have with the PS3 (being a non-owner) is the fact that the systems being manufactured now aren't backwards compatible.

Same here... I'll be buying one in December, and in a month Sony says "lulz BC is back"... that'd be amazingly bad.



How many PS3 fanboys on this site DON'T have a PS3??


Lol, probably 1/3 of them


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