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Forums - Gaming Discussion - could Sony and Microsoft to exit console wars after PS3 and Xbox 360?

This is an article i found is a little old so if it has aalready been dicuss please delete the thread.

this is the most interesting part

Sony is not the company they use to be and the Playstation 3 is a market failure. Sony will never recover the billions they lost on the current generation of consoles. Sony says we’re not making another for ten years, which is code for we can never make back the billions we lost on PS3, let alone convince our executives to make one again.

Microsoft has a hole mile deep dug in the middle of Microsoft’s Campus to bury the billion dollars of broken Xbox 360’s they’ve got. The Xbox business is not a profitable business for them. It’s only become incrementally profitable for them after many years, and billions invested. To give you some perspective the Xbox 360, which is the second most popular console in the U.S; All Xbox revenues combined; create less revenue than World of Warcraft subscriptions. The entire 360 software business is minuscule compared to one PC game.

So the interesting observation, is that both Microsoft and Sony are in a position where they’re unlikely to ever have the motive to invest the billions into making another generation of consoles.

here is the complete article

some of the pople in this forum have very good points, i would like to read your opinion on this topic.


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hmm, did nintendo and MS leave the console business after last gen? no. and their situation was 10x worse than 360's and ps3's condition right now.





The person who wrote this article is an idiot and they have no idea what they're talking about.


It's true.



Microsoft doesn't care about the "minor" losses , they are building a brand , it's taking a long time because of the PS existence but they have the cash so no worries

@ deathgod33

i like your comment but times are different because of the global economy, plus that is and argument that work against MS

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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Yes, Sony's "10 year plan" means that they absolutely won't make another console for 10 years.

And now that Microsoft's games division is finally starting go from red to black again they're going to pull the plug.

And of course they're both busily improving their infrastructures on their various systems just to chuck it all away in a couple years.


Funny thing, I was watching CNN and they were doing a briefing regarding the stock market. The analyst said the 2 of the biggest markets gaining shares, and stability were, Energy (Oil) and Gaming, and recommended buying stocks in both. Milk almost came out my nose.

I don't see MS or Sony abandoning the gaming market anytime soon, too much money, time, invested. Gaming is only getting stronger, and these competitors are great for gamers! IMO!!

deathgod33 said:
hmm, did nintendo and MS leave the console business after last gen? no. and their situation was 10x worse than 360's and ps3's condition right now.

The article looked ridiculous so I didn't waste my time reading it, but what's this about? 10x worse than the 360 and PS3's condition? The Xbox probably lost as much as the PS3 did, and Nintendo made nice profits. Money talks in business, and the PS3 has lost Sony a ton of it so far. Keep in mind, that they don't have nearly as much cash as Microsoft.

This is said all too often - I'm guessing people look at the lifetime console sales and make their assumptions from there, but that only tells part of the story.

We already know Sony are developing the PS4 and we already know they want to release it no later than 2011. And MS are surely working on the 720 as we speak.


Words Of Wisdom said:
Yes, Sony's "10 year plan" means that they absolutely won't make another console for 10 years.

And now that Microsoft's games division is finally starting go from red to black again they're going to pull the plug.

And of course they're both busily improving their infrastructures on their various systems just to chuck it all away in a couple years.



Best argument so far

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