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Maynard_Tool said:
Damn @ Wii O.o



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Zucas said:
Jordahn said:
Zucas said:
Is it just me or is there more worthless posts in this kinda thread then usual. Why can't people just actually discuss the sales when it comes to the thread instead of all their random beliefs about them.

I mean obvious good questions would be is the 360 lower pricepoint affecting the PS3's sales. But in relation why isn't the 360's lower price affecting the Wii considering its cheaper now. I mean sure we can all give one word answers to this that take off things people have been saying for months... like me... but there is a lot of discussion in that which people like me and Stickball and whoever can never get around to by all the other crap in here.


I think this is the first console generation where there is just enough diversity amongst all the consoles to where there are too many factors for each console that affect individual buyers differently. So it really is hard to come up with specific norms to describe why things happen when they do. The sad thing about these forums (and most others) is the fact as soon as you mention something potentially negative about a fanboy's favorite console, reasonable discussion goes out the window because very few people are willing to agree to disagree.

Yes I remember trying to have discussions in this kind of thread in MGS4 week and of course if you didn't say something awesome about Sony, Konami, PS3, and MGS4 then you got acredited as a troller.  Of course I was simply giving thoughts on the market as a whole and opening discussion about the sales while they were having a free for all of idiocy haha.  Some of those people that were involved that have the nerve to come in here and say this thread is full of trolls and random shit.

I remember that thread!

You can mention me by name, I'm not offended.  ^_^

Those were the days!

Anyhoo, I suppose I should respond to your last statement >.>

Trolls are at an all time high in this thread!  All I did was call out FishyJoe for using leo-j's prediction as some sort of barometer to the consensus that PSP would outsell DS/Wii when in that whole thread, he was really the only person that believed that, and even then, ioi quickly shut him down.  So bringing that up was stupidly stupid.  Then I was told to stop fooling myself when I was done with the thread.  Apparently someone felt the need to bring it back up after it was all said and done, and that was Level 3 trolling, especially since the whole thing was so done already.

so.... yeah.  How bout them Phillies?

As far as I can see, the Wii has now done a feat that the Ps2 never did. Sold more than 400.000 units in an October week. Hopefully I didn't manage to mess it up this time...

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Wii outsold the DS in America wow

^^Yes, and I bet Nintendo wouldn't be caught with their pants down (w.r.t. customer demand) this Christmas!

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Bitmap Frogs said:
Smashed said:
xman said:
darthdevidem01 said:
go go go PS3

360 only outsold it by 20K this week the gap is getting smaller n smaller WW

True but they lost in japan and NA, the real test is christmas were a $200.00 xbox goes up against a $250.00 WII and a $400.00 PS3



"Lost"? Your telling me that just because the 360 wins 5 or 6 weeks against the PS3 by a few thousand consoles, PS3 lost? 

Christ, what's happened to people..? (Was talking about japan.)



Worldwide, we are at a 7 week streak already. Just FYI. So far for the second half of the year (Q3/Q4), according to VGchartz numbers the 360 is 50k ahead.


ps3 was outselling the 360 all year until the price cut, how many weeks is that?

Zucas said:
Jordahn said:
Zucas said:
Is it just me or is there more worthless posts in this kinda thread then usual. Why can't people just actually discuss the sales when it comes to the thread instead of all their random beliefs about them.

I mean obvious good questions would be is the 360 lower pricepoint affecting the PS3's sales. But in relation why isn't the 360's lower price affecting the Wii considering its cheaper now. I mean sure we can all give one word answers to this that take off things people have been saying for months... like me... but there is a lot of discussion in that which people like me and Stickball and whoever can never get around to by all the other crap in here.


I think this is the first console generation where there is just enough diversity amongst all the consoles to where there are too many factors for each console that affect individual buyers differently. So it really is hard to come up with specific norms to describe why things happen when they do. The sad thing about these forums (and most others) is the fact as soon as you mention something potentially negative about a fanboy's favorite console, reasonable discussion goes out the window because very few people are willing to agree to disagree.

Yes I remember trying to have discussions in this kind of thread in MGS4 week and of course if you didn't say something awesome about Sony, Konami, PS3, and MGS4 then you got acredited as a troller.  Of course I was simply giving thoughts on the market as a whole and opening discussion about the sales while they were having a free for all of idiocy haha.  Some of those people that were involved that have the nerve to come in here and say this thread is full of trolls and random shit.

I personally think these sales topic should be for unbais discussion about the numbers where you pose question such as the ones I did here and back then.  But of course most people use this is as a pro or con kinda thread like oh Wii did great or something did bad or whatever.  Sure we can all tell that people... I can see the numbers just as well as you can.


Now yes I would agree that this generation it is alot of diversity but I think that only works with Wii and another console.  It's the sole reasoning why Wii is cleaning slate and allowing 360 and PS3 to survive hardware and software wise.  If Wii was akin to that of PS360(questionable whether it would be at this success anyways) then those 2 probably wouldn't have a market to grab a hold onto.  Similar to Xbox and GC with the PS2.  So I'd say when the sector that includes PS3 and 360 it's already in a sub market of the main one.  So is Wii of course but it's in a much large one.  So when you split that in half they really do start to have more intracompetition.

Now doesn't mean they can't stretch into Wii's sub market or Wii can't stretch into there.  Would be too linear to suggest otherwise.  But I do think if you have 2 dominating in one of those that what the other does will effect it.  But getting to the point I don't think this is happening with the PS3 right now in America or Europe.  Or really Japan.  Dare I say this 360 jump is a fad haha.  Especially in markets such as Japan and Europe.  Something to give it a quick boost and then go back down to norm after the holiday season.

Also answers my questino of why 360 isn't affecting Wii one being those sub market theories and two being that 360 just doesn't have the brand appeal to stop Wii.  Same with GC vs PS2.  Despite GC being cheaper than PS2 it didn't have the brand appeal to compete.


I think brand appeal is a far secondary this gen more than it has ever been.  It seems more and more, casual gamers are financially driving the market.  And when you look at price, interaction, and the general selection of games, the Wii wins hands down.  Traditionally, gamers have had a less need of physical interaction in game otherwise they'd be playing outside more.  This is why I think the Wiimote works best for casual gamers while also successfully implementing those features in Nintendo's core games for the hardcore Nintendo fans.  It's not so much that the 360 isn't affecting the Wii in my opinion.  It's more that Nintendo was very successful in catering to both casuals and the committed Nintendo supporter by taking a different business model that relied more heavily on software and software interaction instead of the power of the hardware.

In reagrds to the PS3 as a GENERAL statement, the price is a deterant for most buyers.  I do think the hardware is worth the purchase price, but just because something is worth it doesn't mean it's high on everyone's financial priorities.  But what's really helping SONY is their 1st/2nd party support.  SONY knows it would be hard to compete with Microsoft financially, so why not concentrate on franchsie that Microsoft cannot get there hands on, 1st/2nd party support?  They have been quite successful in the past while so far it has only gotten better.  And I think this is part of the reason why 3rd party developers are still heavily supporting the PS3.  When those 1st/2nd party support prove successful in help carrying the PS3, it makes it more secure for 3rd parties to support the PS3.  But the best thing about SONY's 1st/2nd party support, is the introduction of newer IP's into the market while hardly even exploiting the older ones.

My personal conclusion of this is that Nintendo is succeeding in part because of it's 1st/2nd party support while SONY continues and maintains a healthy demand regardless of third because, again, of 1st/2nd party support.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

darthdevidem01 said:
xman said:
darthdevidem01 said:
go go go PS3

360 only outsold it by 20K this week the gap is getting smaller n smaller WW

True but they lost in japan and NA, the real test is christmas were a $200.00 xbox goes up against a $250.00 WII and a $400.00 PS3


we'll see. It xmas when people are willing to spend money on things.....don't forget that.

Right now is the time when 360 should be excelling with its low price


So your saying the 360 should be doing good now and not later when all the other consles will be doing good i dont get this post?


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

GTAIV08 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Smashed said:
xman said:
darthdevidem01 said:
go go go PS3

360 only outsold it by 20K this week the gap is getting smaller n smaller WW

True but they lost in japan and NA, the real test is christmas were a $200.00 xbox goes up against a $250.00 WII and a $400.00 PS3



"Lost"? Your telling me that just because the 360 wins 5 or 6 weeks against the PS3 by a few thousand consoles, PS3 lost? 

Christ, what's happened to people..? (Was talking about japan.)



Worldwide, we are at a 7 week streak already. Just FYI. So far for the second half of the year (Q3/Q4), according to VGchartz numbers the 360 is 50k ahead.


ps3 was outselling the 360 all year until the price cut, how many weeks is that?


Yeah sure, but that streak means that the ps3 takeover so many people are wishing for is far from granted. Just 7 weeks and the 360 is on top for the second half. It won't be 2008, it won't be 2009, now the takeover (if it happens) will have to wait until 2010 - and the generation will end 2011 or 2012. You people might long for those weekly victories, but as each week goes by the most likely scenario at the end of this gen is a tie between the HD twins.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Nice sales.

PS3 = 10%+ gain
360 = 8%+ gain
Wii = 21%+ gain