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Forums - Sony Discussion - sony cuts profit forecast

They should write to Obama and McCain, ask for a bailout in return for financing their campaigns.

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Quite amazing the number of people that comment stuff without reading the original post or not having a clue about economy....

The best comments are still those of the kind :
- They are cutting profit
=> They are going bankrupt then ?

Usually the first 2 steps before going bankrupt are :
- Loose money on a regular basis, Sony isn't announcing they are going to loose money
- Run out of cash and being unable to borrom more. You can loose cash for years and still not go bankrupt if you have decent reserves or access to huge credit....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

papflesje said:
LOL @ comment:

Sony deserves this profit slump after the way they have treated Europeans, by delaying the PS3 launch and restricting imports (and also the PSP and PSP White), and then promoting gun usage inside a Manchester cathedral. Hopefully Sony make a loss next year and go under.

Darren, Warrington, England

Religious nutter ^^

I was recently having quite a big discussion with out of friends who is religious but not CoE. We agreed that it was wrong of the developers to do what they did, as in take the likeness of a major religious building, which has owners and copyright laws attached and make a CG replica and then put it into the video game without their consent. What he and I didn't agree on was the fact that it shouldn't have been done at all (I think it's fine, be does not) and that that because it is fake, it has nothing to do with real life Manchester.

Manchester, compared to most UK cities, has a gun problem (nothing compared to US cities mind you) and anything that seems to 'promote' the use of them in well known and religious landmarks is going to cause issues. They could have made it a small generic Church and no one would have said anything.

Don't assume that person is a religious nutter as i know people who think it is wrong for the sake of copyright laws as well as violent video game being set in a major religious building in the UK.

Hmm, pie.

why are people assuming sony is going bankrupt?

1.) sony is not limited to the playstation. in fact, the playstation is a tiny part of their entire electronics catalogue.

2.) they're still forecasting 2 billion in profits. why would they go bankrupt? all that happened is that instead of making soooo much money, they're just making a lot of money.

3.) can people please read the article before commenting?

it's unfair to say they are doing bad without looking at other Japanese companies , can anyway get them plz?:)

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I do not care how much profit Sony makes. PS3 is outselling X360 for 2008. PS3 outsells X360 is the only thing that matters.

this loss may force sony to close its ps department lol.

Ail said:
Quite amazing the number of people that comment stuff without reading the original post or not having a clue about economy....

The best comments are still those of the kind :
- They are cutting profit
=> They are going bankrupt then ?

Usually the first 2 steps before going bankrupt are :
- Loose money on a regular basis, Sony isn't announcing they are going to loose money
- Run out of cash and being unable to borrom more. You can loose cash for years and still not go bankrupt if you have decent reserves or access to huge credit....

Actually you can go bankrupt without ever losing money because you manipulate your accounts (such as happened with Parmalat and I think Enron). Also Arthur Anderson died without ever having lost money due to the fact the nature of their business means they rely on their reputation and the Enron paper shreading issue meant their reputation was damaged beyond repair.

Anyway we know Sony can't go bankrupt.  That's impossible.  There would have to have been too many negligent decisions on a massive scale for that to happen.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


ahcheng said:
this loss may force sony to close its ps department lol.


Reading comprehension ftl.

Where did you read about a loss ?




PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

When is the financial report going to get released?