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Forums - Sony Discussion - sony cuts profit forecast

so sony seems like going to bankrupt soon.
this is very interesting!!

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Ouch for SONY...

I wonder how much this will hurt Nintendo though? Strong yen and weak Euro/Pound/Dollar will probably result in a 20% or so decline in Nintendo expect profit (unless the company predicted the financial crisis)

I do wonder how SONY did last Quarter...

ahcheng said:
so sony seems like going to bankrupt soon.
this is very interesting!!



If they do, it will drag down so many other electronics companies with it that it wont even be funny.

If I'm reading the chart from their presentation correctly, they cut earnings of the game unit by 30 billion yen ($300 million US).

Sony isn't the only company cutting its forecast. Unlike some companies, Sony as a whole has always made money.

According to forbes, Sony is doing ok. Its at 182.

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Tuanniez said:
Sony isn't the only company cutting its forecast. Unlike some companies, Sony as a whole has always made money.

According to forbes, Sony is doing ok. Its at 182.


the better be i am buying a vaio laptop with blu ray and a bravia TV soon.

Tuanniez said:
Sony isn't the only company cutting its forecast. Unlike some companies, Sony as a whole has always made money.

According to forbes, Sony is doing ok. Its at 182.


That list is six months old. They have a Lehman in the top 100 LOL. AIG is top 20!

So they made profit but not as much they forcasted?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Of course they have to cut it. It unrealistic for them to expect more. The Wii is the only system that can expect profits of over 3 Billion, because their system actually costs $180 to make, so they are making over $70 over on each unit.


 This is SONY as a company not the game division.



I didn't read the article you crazy asshole. On an electronics tip i'm a Samsung guy anyway so I could care less.

I believe "could not care less" are the words you are looking for.

Surely you must read about something before you comment on it. Or you will end up looking rather..... uninformed ;)


On OPs  note.. i think their movie devision is pulling a lot of those money in right now :p


Check out my game about moles ^

papflesje said:
LOL @ comment:

Sony deserves this profit slump after the way they have treated Europeans, by delaying the PS3 launch and restricting imports (and also the PSP and PSP White), and then promoting gun usage inside a Manchester cathedral. Hopefully Sony make a loss next year and go under.

Darren, Warrington, England

Religious nutter ^^


lol, I've heard alot of things about Sony, but this is the first time I heard "god" as the excuse lol.

We love you Sony, please... stay... strong.