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Forums - General Discussion - The David Gergen Love Thread!

The romance began late at night, with a glass of red wine and an episode of The Situation Room.

I can’t hold in the truth any longer. My feelings are too large to live just within the confines of my heart. I need everyone to know:

I am passionately in love with David Gergen.

Our (mine and Gergen’s) love story is in some ways ordinary. We were friends first. I would see him hanging around the channel—sometimes on AC360, sometimes on The Situation Room—and was always vaguely aware of a little pang of happiness whenever his large, wonderful head would appear in some kind of split-screen box.

The moment I realized my feelings were more serious was in late September, right after the first presidential debate. Gergen was on for hours, and I found myself on the couch, riveted, a glass of Cabernet by my feet, hands wrapped around my knees as I leaned forward to capture every word, every thought, every—oh, be still my fluttering heart, was that a little chuckle?

And then all of a sudden my face felt hot. I was blushing. I was loving David Gergen.

How do I love David Gergen? Let me count the ways.

I love his low, quiet voice. That unmodulated buttery whisper that sounds like it’s elbowing its way past a cough drop that’s permanently lodged at the back of his throat. You know how Bed Bath & Beyond sells those white noise machines that help you sleep? And they usually make ocean noises? I want one that’s just David Gergen gently muttering about the economy.

I love the way Gergen makes me feel calm, even when he’s making dire predictions about the future of our country. I love the way he knows everything and then formulates an opinion about everything that’s always right. I love that his eyebrows only move when he gets mad, and I love that he almost never gets mad. I love that he looks like a handsome baked potato. I want him to analyze my life with the same subtle intelligence he uses to analyze politics. How can I make my kitchen brighter? Should I email that dum-dum of a guy I know or just leave it in my draft folder? Should I get a bob or is my hair better long?

I love that his name is Gergen. Gerrrrr-gen. I don’t know the real origin of the name, but it’s a quirky, comforting sound with an onomatopoeic quality to it. Like the little pleasure noise you make under your breath when you’re home in your pajamas and you hear someone on the TV making consistent, rational sense.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network

I really don't care for him. He is boring. And he tries to be fair and balanced but it is easy to tell Obama gives him a tingly feeling up his leg.

On CNN I only really like Blitzer and AC. I also kinda like the guy who always does the electoral map, forgot his name.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

He tries to be fair, which is more than I can say about anyone on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox.

He does say a lot of nice things about Obama recently, but that is because Obama isn't doing stupid things in his current campaign. He says the same thing I do. McCain needs to curb the attacks and look presidential by talking about the Economy, even though conventional wisdom and Republicans are telling him not to.

But do you know why he shows up on the news?

He is a former presidential advisor to Nixon, Ford, and Reagen. He is so good, that Clinton asked him to be an advisor too, because the country needed to still work even though there was a Republican Congress and a Democratic President, and he accepted.

Because he is intelligent and puts the country first.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

: ).

Did not know all of that about... Sounds like the chuck norris of politics!

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

I don't know if anyone around here noticed, but I know a lot of useless information.

We can start Gergenisms:

David Gergen doesn't need need to be bipartisan, everywhere he goes people on both sides are afraid to be proven stupid.

David Gergen doesn't have a tongue behind those shiny white teeth, only another fist.

No, David Gergen has a mic in his pocket AND he's happy to see you.

People think David Gergen has no enemies because of his fairness and an even hand, that's not true, he has no enemies because he hunted them all down... one... by... one.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network

Greates David Gergen Interview Ever !!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex Jones Interview About Bohemien Grove

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

That video is stupid. They get the facts wrong in the first few lines... He didn't advise H.W. and his role was very different than Karl Rove (because he won elections with out accusing opponents of being terrorists or fathering illegitimate interracial children. Plus he advised Nixon.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

WOW! That video changed my opinion of him from neutral to thoroughly disgusted. Say what you will about Alex Jones, at least he is trying to open our eyes to the fact that there are some really sick fuckheads in positions of power and influence.

Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

steven787 said:
That video is stupid. They get the facts wrong in the first few lines... He didn't advise H.W. and his role was very different than Karl Rove (because he won elections with out accusing opponents of being terrorists or fathering illegitimate interracial children. Plus he advised Nixon.


 Sorry I didn't reply for awhile, completely forgot. Anyways wow, he got mixed up on H.W, big freaking deal,lol. The job title was the same as Rove, thats what Alex Jones is pointing out and I mean I'm interested in your response to what David Gergen said. Something a little more intelligent than " this video is stupid".

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
steven787 said:
That video is stupid. They get the facts wrong in the first few lines... He didn't advise H.W. and his role was very different than Karl Rove (because he won elections with out accusing opponents of being terrorists or fathering illegitimate interracial children. Plus he advised Nixon.


 Sorry I didn't reply for awhile, completely forgot. Anyways wow, he got mixed up on H.W, big freaking deal,lol. The job title was the same as Rove, thats what Alex Jones is pointing out and I mean I'm interested in your response to what David Gergen said. Something a little more intelligent than " this video is stupid".


I didn't reply to the main reason why it was stupid because I assumed it was obvious.

Skull and Bones, or any other "collegiate secret organization or society", is just a club not directly affiliated with the college.  A club of top students at a top school, admittedly, but it just a group of people who have something in common who help eachother out through their connection.  That's it.  The Skull and Bones in particular has been known to have people of very widely different political views.  Many of them hate each other.

Their roll is public, their finances are public.  The fact that they make a stupid movie, mark Montgomery Burns as a S&B (which was an inside joke, because the writers at the Simpsons were almost exclusively Harvard alum), or there's a bunch of false theories about them starting the CIA or pulling on the strings of government doesn't mean any of that is true.

The idea that one secret student and alumni organization can control the government is perposterous.  They forget that there are at least 6 other "sercret" societies at Yale, and many more at other top and mid-level schools.  (Including Harvard, Chicago, Baylor (Which I think Akuma is a part of), Florida, and dozens more.)  They're about fun, charity, and networking.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.