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Forums - Sales Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 worldwide sales = 3,94 m


The link said Konami report MGS4 sales for quarter at 3,94 million... why so much different from VGChartz??

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shipped vs sold...

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im more interested in how you have a 0 post count lol

The 3.94mil was for the end of June. It will be really interesting to see how many they shipped during the last Quarter.  If they shipped none then it appears are data is fine.  But if they shipped more, then our data looks like it may be wrong.  Since i doubt there are that many copies of the game at retail.

11ht11 said:
im more interested in how you have a 0 post count lol

ROFLOL...dude, you're sig is too F#$king funny!  Oh...Yeah to MGS4 ar 3.94...HALO 3 must be over 10 million easy, using htat measurement stick.


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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Why the hell don't you have any single post? xD


The data is different because this site is biased and ain't like Sony ;)
j/k :P

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CGI-Quality said:
@ heruamon

uuhh no. just stop.



Stop what? It's 101 of game tracking that shipped is different from sales...I was just provding some comparable anaylsis.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Halo3 had 8.1mil sold to retail by the end of 2007. So who knows where the shipped data rests now.

Back in June, GTAIV shipped 11 million copies and sold 8.5 million. So having a big number of unsold for a game is certainly possible.

heruamon said:
11ht11 said:
im more interested in how you have a 0 post count lol

ROFLOL...dude, you're sig is too F#$king funny! 

thank you


and @ CGI


chill out dude, youre 27 act like it