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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)

Did the OP say to ignore the PC or only take consoles into account? No, so if anyone mentions PC Games you can't say "oh but it's not a console game", because we are looking at who has the best lineup, not the "best console lineup".


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ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?



Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...

shio said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...


 360 = couch, 42 HDTV 1080p, 140 watt 6.1 surround sound seperates system. I'll take the slight difference in graphics and an extra $10 thanks.

shio said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...

Mouse+Keyboard just make framerate issues even more grating. And you don't mod MMOs IIRC.

MMOs are also fairly CPU bound as well...



Around the Network
shio said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)

Did the OP say to ignore the PC or only take consoles into account? No, so if anyone mentions PC Games you can't say "oh but it's not a console game", because we are looking at who has the best lineup, not the "best console lineup".


The OP was trying to prove that Sony has the strongest lineup, which is a console. Only consoles need apply. :)

shio said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...


Ever played Halo on a PC?.... It sucks. It's a totally different running and feeling experience than on the console.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)


What? At first you said Bioshock don't count because it was a time exclusive on 360. Now you tell me differently now with The Last Remnant? What now? Get your facts straight and use your head. You are just confusing people even more by what you want.


Left 4 Dead don't count. If I can buy it and play it on the PC. Then whats the point about the 360 version? Same game, same story, everything same except the fact I don't need a 360 to run the game. Also is horror games any popular?

fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)


What? At first you said Bioshock don't count because it was a time exclusive on 360. Now you tell me differently now with The Last Remnant? What now? Get your facts straight and use your head. You are just confusing people even more by what you want.

No, no Sally, you stated that Bioshock was a PS3 exclusive. I told you that it wasn't because it was a 360 timed exclusive before it went to PS3.  Look back at how that argument started.

Left 4 Dead don't count. If I can buy it and play it on the PC. Then whats the point about the 360 version? Same game, same story, everything same except the fact I don't need a 360 to run the game. Also is horror games any popular?

Yes, it does. It's a console exclusive. Last time I checked, PC's weren't consoles, but it does play games.  Are you going to say that FFVII wasn't a Sony console exclusive because it was on PC? I say FFVII was a console exclusive even though PC had it too.




selnor said:
shio said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...


 360 = couch, 42 HDTV 1080p, 140 watt 6.1 surround sound seperates system. I'll take the slight difference in graphics and an extra $10 thanks.

You can plug the PC on your HDTV and Surround System in the living room, so your point is moot.