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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:


1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour


It looks like PS3 has more of a stronger line-up. The multiplatform games seem to balance out the lineup this season. The rest of the exclusives I didn't put cause most of them didn't seem very appealing or have any interest in at all so I didn't add them.

So please don't be talking crap about some game on another console... its still coming out on that console and lots of people like the game even if you don't. It may be crap to you but those who are still buying it think otherwise. Everyone has different tastes.




PS3 doesn't have the stronger lineup. They just have more games. (More games= better lineup) It's amazing that the 360 still 6 hot exclusives in the basket amongst a years worth of great games unlike the PS3. Write down the great exclusives that have come out on the 360 the whole year and put it up against the PS3. Last time I checked Socom didn't do so well in the review section either. ( Who cares about what the review says, the only thing important is how many of those interested in buying the game)  Bioshock doesn't count. (why not? its coming out in PS3's lineup this year.. you don't want this game to succeed on the Ps3 now? If this don't count, then The Last remant don't count either) You also forgot Naruto for the 360. Gears 2, Fable 2 is enough to take on LBP and Resistance 2. Those are the only true AAA titles. I'll make a bet with you that together the Gears 2 and Fable 2 combined sells twice what LBP and Resistance 2 sells combined.



They just have more games.  More games= better lineup

Last time I checked Socom didn't do so well in the review section either. Who cares about what the review says, the only thing important is how many of those interested in buying the game

Bioshock doesn't count. Why not? its coming out in PS3's lineup this year.. you don't want this game to succeed on the Ps3 now? If this don't count, then The Last Remnant don't count either

You also forgot Naruto for the 360. I didn't forget it, it didn't seem worthy enough to be on the lineup because not much people seem interested in that game. Compared to the PS3 ultimate ninja storm, people are way more interested in that one.

Gears 2, Fable 2 is enough to take on LBP and Resistance 2. Oh yeah? I don't think so. In the long run, LBP will last longer than any of these games.You try to explain to a kid or a girl/female if they are interested in playing a game with guns and shooting aliens or a game with a kid cursing/animal abuse/ violence and using swords to hit adults vs a sackboy who does no harm and look cuter than the other two games. LBP grabs a bigger and more broader audiencein a way Nintendo would and will sell more WW than these two games.  I could care less about Resistance 2.

I'll make a bet with you that together the Gears 2 and Fable 2 combined sells twice what LBP and Resistance 2 sells combined. Be careful what you wish for, ignorance makes a person blind from reality. Personally... I don't think they will sell double the amount.. sorry. I don't really care about FPS games... so either Gears 2 or Resistance 2... if they sell big or not.. I really won't care since I am not interested in those kind of genres.

The PS3 version will come out the same day as the 360 version. I'll strike that from the PS3 exclusive list.

umm.. you are wrong, its still an exclusive and will sell more the first day it comes out on the PS3. catch my drift or you too blind to understand what I am talking about? hahah.

Versus is the only PS3 Exclusive FFXIII game. The PC version is the first version of the game that will be completed, then the PS3 version and the 360 version. Of course...the 360 version can be completed quicker though.

dude.. there was never a PC version nor an announced Xbox 360 version. They just said they got it running on the PC to use it on the PS3. what you talking about? you ok?


The ignorance in some people, its so unbelievable!

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he's kinda right, I mean, what does the 360 have outside of Gears 2 and fables 2?

well, unless the new forza game comes out before christmas, then that would count too

Whoops. I wrote the same thing twice?!


selnor said:

Having the game on PC wont affect the console sales. As it's exclusive to 360 its console exclusive. Also SCOM is Niche. Look at sales. And it will matter to everyone if they can play any song they have downloaded to their IPOD with Lips. Gee with just a touch of marketing about this feature and I guarentee Lips doubles the sales of Singstar. What would that be like 50 songs on Singstar verses thousands?????



LucasArts disagrees: withheld release of PC version of TFU to prevent piracy.  And PS3 has piracy on f***ing lockdown.

@STAGE: PS3 holidy lineup = more games AND better overall lineup.

Daxter210 said:
thejuicingamer said:

Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

Yes! I agree.

1. LittleBigPlanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motorstorm 2

4. Socom Confrontation

5. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

6. Valkiria Chronicles

7. White Knight Chronicles ( for Jap market )

8. WipEout HD

9. Others

All exclusives available only on PS3.


Whoa?! Others?! That sounds sick!

PS3 will shix on the 360.




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Onyxmeth said:
thejuicingamer said:
@ strategy,
Fable 2, about 4 years late :)
Gears 2, more like 1.5
Left 4 dead, on PC also,
Banjo, come on this should be on the Wii


1)What the hell is that supposed to mean? You wanted Fable 2 to come out with Fable 1 on the original Xbox? Try making sense next time.

2) No. No it's not 1.5. If you think that it's 1.5, you are a delusional hypebeast.

3) SO? So what if it's available on PC. Just because it's on PC, it's not an addition to the 360 line-up? Doooood....

4) LOL! It's almost like you're pleading...


@ spring, about your fable comment, what I meant was that this game sounds just like everything they promised in the 1st one, hence it's 4 years late.

The lack of mention for the best PS3 game this holiday is quite a let down.

Even so, the PS2 lineup is better than the 360 one in my opinion. But that's why we have them!

@ Onyx

That list you posted is full of crap with at most 5 being good games.

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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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The PS3 has the best lineup of games through this holiday season and on through the next year and the next couple of years after that. That is why it will pass the 360 in the not so distant future and the Wii at some point after that.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

agreed paul, PS3 has a much brighter lineup than its competitors going into next year and after that,