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Forums - Sales Discussion - iPhone Outsells Blackberry, Apple Earns over $1 Billion in Last Quarter

RolStoppable said:
leo-j said:
illuminatus said:
In two years gaming on mobile phones will be bigger than gaming on any Nintendo handheld.

 Please tell me your joking..

He isn't. He also thinks that the 360 will beat the Wii in lifetime sales (the PS3 anyway).

I said that the 360 still has a slight chance. If in mid or late 2009 HD-gaming really takes off because mass market buys HD TVs things could change. The very high sales of the Wii in its first two years don't say much about its sales in the future. They may or may not continue. The Wii is different from the typical console. And so the live cycle also could be different.


Around the Network

nokia outsold apple by 15 millions smartphones.

darthdevidem01 said:

no pokemon on a handheld = fail

the high price of the PSP was the reason which kept PSP from getting more market share.


illuminatus said:
darthdevidem01 said:

no pokemon on a handheld = fail

the high price of the PSP was the reason which kept PSP from getting more market share.


Pure gold!

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