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Forums - Sony Discussion - Versus XIII in game scan

soriku, i see you don't want to loose but will loose this one

now i will post them here  to make a complete victory.

=D if you go in denial after this one doesn't matter because i already proof everybody my point

now CGI



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Jo21 said:
Soriku said:

lol. What do you think I've been doing this whole time? leo-j we don't want you to play ^_^


That FF XIII CGI pic looks exactly like the Versus CGI pics. It's just Versus is too dark to tell properly. The Versus pic you just posted looks in game, yeah I'll agree, but we weren't even using that pic. We were arguing about the 3 pics Hyams posted which are clearly CGI. So...why would I need to eat crow? ^_^

I just hope we get Versus pics with an actual LIGHT place instead of some dark place.


they are from the same part of the game, they are in GAME cutscenes, the thing is with the quality of the scans the details are lost.

square CGI doesn't look that bad anymore, all the scans show here are ingame. cutscenes but ingame.

even so mgs4 looks better than this but of course thats a finished game, this is preproduction.


to make it worse for you soriku i got the source just for you.


the ones from august 26 are IN GAME, and the others are CGI, there is HUGE difference in quality.






i found this extremely funny


The picture Jo21 is of the same character model I posted. The blurry collar texture that he points out is visible in the second picture I posted, as is the aliasing on the hair. Difference is, his picture is direct feed, rather than a magazine scan, so it's easier to see these imperfections.



The one of the girl I posted is also on IGN, also direct feed. It's imperfections are again easier to see:

So, it's seeming more and more likely that those are the in game cut scenes graphics after all.

Jo21 wins.

Soriku said:
The third pic with Stella is on par with the trailer CGI.

Like I said, we'll see.


denial soriku denial, its impossible thats CGI.

when was the last time you saw a polygon in a square CGI, not even FFX that happen.

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Nah man, look at the IGN direct feed of the shot. Look at all the aliasing on the hair, the straight lines on her ears, and the way she doesn't blend into the environment like in the CGI shots.

It's amazing graphics, yes, but it's definately not CGI quality.

Soriku said:
Jo21 said:
Soriku said:
The third pic with Stella is on par with the trailer CGI.

Like I said, we'll see.


denial soriku denial, its impossible thats CGI.

when was the last time you saw a polygon in a square CGI, not even FFX that happen.


FF VII CGI looked polygony :P

thats why i put a FFX Time frame so you would put such a crappy analogy and you did congrats soriku you made me laugh!

just looka at stella hair you can see the how it can't get a straight curve due the graphic card not able to handle all.

The scan you posted is really lo-res and is a photograph of a magazine, not direct feed. It's hard to make out the details.

Having said that, comparing the IGN pictures to the magazine, they don't look too different. It's not hard to imagine that, in reality, they're at exactly the same level of graphical fidelity.


this is the real challange , is this in game??

Hyams said:
The scan you posted is really lo-res and is a photograph of a magazine, not direct feed. It's hard to make out the details.

Having said that, comparing the IGN pictures to the magazine, they don't look too different. It's not hard to imagine that, in reality, they're at exactly the same level of graphical fidelity.


that's what i'm thinking