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Forums - General Discussion - So there's fungus under my left thumbnail...

ewwwwwwwwww... Can you still play most of the games?

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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kirby007 said:
twesterm said:
kirby007 said:
twesterm said:
kirby007 said:
twesterm said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Pics or it didn't happen.

You had to ask

that isn't to bad is it now?

It hurts far worse than anything I've ever experienced (before that was wrist being broken) and hasn't stopped hurting yet.  -_-

worse then getting kicked in the nuts?

and do you touch it? just to know how it feels?



Touched it a few times and even accidently rolled over on it-- they all sucked.

And getting kicked in the nuts would almost be a vacation.

you know getting pain somewhere else reliefs the pain in your thumb


That is true...

I know... Twesterm should get someone to kick him in the nuts, and then we can ask "video or it didn't happen"


Whoa, why are there 2 separate differently-colored areas? Are they related?

Is there any particular reason you're on the computer instead of knocking yourself out with the painkiller already?


EDIT: I forgot, sorry about your thumb man.  And good luck.

And if you still want to game, I recommend brushing up on some thumbless or one-handed games like Pac-Man or Wii Sports.

by the way my big toenail looks almost the same and when i push on it i feel nothing.

you cant handle pain?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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^^ I hate going to Doctors and only go if I have three different drastic pains or more... usually I just cut out the part that hurts... if it isn´t to big... but fungus is hard to kill... if the flaming vodka wouldn´t work I´d go for a soldering iron... my family has a shamefull history of self treatment... my brother once tried to get a fish bone out of his throat with a metal wire... it got stuck... when he came to my room it lookt like he was literally puking his guts out... I clapped him on his back cause he was coughing... that must have hurt... anyway we got it out but he needed to go to a hostpital for internal bleeding... but enough of that this is thread about twesterm spain...




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El Duderino said:

^^ I hate going to Doctors and only go if I have three different drastic pains or more... usually I just cut out the part that hurts... if it isn´t to big... but fungus is hard to kill... if the flaming vodka wouldn´t work I´d go for a soldering iron... my family has a shamefull history of self treatment... my brother once tried to get a fish bone out of his throat with a metal wire... it got stuck... when he came to my room it lookt like he was literally puking his guts out... I clapped him on his back cause he was coughing... that must have hurt... anyway we got it out but he needed to go to a hostpital for internal bleeding... but enough of that this is thread about twesterm spain...


 You're god damn right there. Twesterm, cut!

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Whoa, why are there 2 separate differently-colored areas? Are they related?

Is there any particular reason you're on the computer instead of knocking yourself out with the painkiller already?


The other red part is where the dr was digging around draining puss.

And only have a limited amount of the pills so saving those for when I want to go to sleep.  :-/

And lol at the demotivator.

@SeriousWB: first rule of self treatment is get real stinking drunk... it cripples your judgement and you can´t even hold the knife straigh... but most importanly you feel no pain...

that reminds me about a year ago I met this guy who had this huge ugly scar on his arm... rude as I am I asced how he got it... turnes out he was part of a nazi group as a teen but after finding out hoe stupid that was he got real drunk, put a iron into a fire for a while and bured it out... man that must have hurt in the morning...




Well, depending on what you were doing, what you were working with, some strain of fungus could have gotten under your nail, or some bug that was infected could have bitten you.

In these cases, if you dind't notice and didn't have a full clean wash in that area, a fungus could have developed.

No wonder it hurt like hell, fungus is an entity that eats on anything that it's attached to, and because it was on your thumb (fingers in overall have a very high density of nerve endings on them) the pain was even greater.

What El Duderino said about the vodka was very true, if you had soaked your finger in vodka or spiritus (high density alcohol liquids, above 95%) it would have killed the fungus. Of course the best treatment is proper medication, but the vodka would have worked as well.

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

It's not curable, sorry mate.