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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Disaster: Day of Crisis Impressions

I really like this game, but there is one part which I find very annoying: On the bridge driving away from the tsunami. You drive towards the camera and you have to avoid cars, etc. I at least died 10 times...

My former account was HeSSeH, but I lost it. 

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this game wont sell well, there are 6 stores that sell games in my town, disaster was only in 1 of them. and it was in slot 8

btw what are the other modes? whats the shoting range mode like?

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia



shooting range should have been much better overall in my opinion since its impossible to get enough BP (battle points) in-game to fully upgrade your weapons. still its not a bad feature per-se(anyone managed the asteroid yet??) its just that the weapons are too many to upgrade them all and too samey to bother with...

as far as sales go i would consider 200 k WW (including an eventual american release) a success for this's nowhere near metroid 3 in terms of overall quality and if that barely managed 1m then 200/250 k is a fair share for this..

id be happy if it got 200k worldwide

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


So you guys think this is going to be Nintendo's least selling Wii game, that has been released outside of Japan? 200K would be on par with Batallion Wars 2 and Trauma Center: New blood. They are at 150 and 170K without Europe numbers.

Other than those 2, all Wii Nintendo games released outside of Japan have beaten, or will soon beat, 500K

So honestly, I see this game getting at least 250K of sales, with a fair possibility of 500K (less than 50% though). I may be wrong though, but I'm willing to bet it will beat 300K by end of Q1 09 WW, or within 2 months of NA release if that is after January.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Color me surprised, but I actually just saw a commercial for this game on TV! Maybe Nintendo will actually put some effort into selling some copies of this game.

Any sales news for Disaster. Hopefully it does better then it did in Japan.

The problem i see as far as sales go is that its pretty much a ps2 era kinda game. Nothing wrong with that as its still a good game, its just that i don't see nintendo putting a lot of marketing effort behind this type of game (case in point fils aime's comments on an american release)

Personally from a buisness point of view i don't see why they won't release it in america(my bet is that they will eventually release it early 2009) where it has the best chance to pull some sales behind it and make up some of the 2+ years of development investment. Then again im not noa president, reggie is...

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
the voice acting is great(I heard people complained about it, but I just can't imagine why)


 I've heard people say that for just about ANY dub for games or Anime that I've liked, and I've never really understood it; then again some people will just jump on anything only because they can.

I personally would like to see this game come to America.  It is the sort of game that will appeal to many a U.S. buyer, so why the NOA branch is stalling on this is baffling me.

Been playing this game for two days now, and I can't put it down.

there's a surprising amount of replayability, and I haven't even attempted level 8 yet. I keep going back to previously played levels to find all the secret pickups for the Staminas Campaign (which I am currently writing a FAQ for) and the "achievements" (FAQ in the works for this also).

It is rusty in parts, but as has been hinted earlier in this thread, some of the shortcomings can be compensated for as you become more familiar with the game's quirks.

Also: throwing rocks at enemies. What the fuck.