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Forums - Sony Discussion - completed commercial of MotorStorm Pacific Rift

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wow, really good advert.

Sony's new 'Humans' in adverts thing is great. This and Resistance are good ads. Reminds me of of the old PS1 ads where they'd get some guy describing like it was real then a few clips of the game. Or some of the great PS2 ads. No gimmick on the Blu-Ray crap, not Get our system for 'this much'. just advertising the game.

Hmm, pie.

that commercial is awesome... it alone makes me want to get the game XD

Check out my game about moles ^

jumping out of an airplane in an atv without a parachute = win

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omg that advert mosta cost loads of money lol

Hehe, I saw this a few days ago. The only thing I don't like about it is that I haven't seen it on TV yet. =D

axumblade said:
insomniac17 said:
Hehe, I saw this a few days ago. The only thing I don't like about it is that I haven't seen it on TV yet. =D

Try fox. It came on 2 or 3 times during the animation block on fox this past sunday



That might explain why I haven't seen it. I haven't been watching Fox much lately. I'll give it a shot when I get a chance.

Haha awesome, the more I see this game, the more I want it.