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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Live Tracking of Fable 2 Sales/Metrics

If you look at the number of users logged we can see that Fable II exceeded 450k sales sure in Norh América in four day and certainly more!

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In the last 6 hours numbers have risen to over 82,000!! I reckon it could reach 100k by midnight tonight.


This game will sell well and deservingly so.

Stop worrying about the sales of this great game and GO PLAY IT!!

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This game is huge

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Euphoria14 said:

This game will sell well and deservingly so.

Stop worrying about the sales of this great game and GO PLAY IT!!


Game comes out tomorrow in the UK, and my partner left me and took the HDTV. Sucks for me eh! Still I'm going to totally immerse myself in this gem, couldn't have come at a better time.


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Will be posting an article up shortly with retail numbers on Fable 2...Got some good news from ioi :)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Will be posting an article up shortly with retail numbers on Fable 2...Got some good news from ioi :)


Brilliant can't wait! I reckon 300k first day


According to solid retailer reports on first day sales, we can now state that Fable 2 is having incredibly brisk sales, and is poised to be the fastest selling Western console RPG.

Retailer reports sales of over 350,000 units sold on Tuesday, October 21st in North America, and are stating that the game is selling well over Lucasarts' The Force Unleashed , which sold just under 400,000 units week-1. Sales seem at a fever pitch similar to that of Madden NFL 09 which sold 709,955 units on its first week in North America.

It's a very good first day!! 350 k in the first day!! A first week sales estimates at 500-600k!! And Worldwide total +900 k!! Is not finish because there is christmas and Thanksgiving! Fable 2 will sold + 2.5 millions copies worldwide sure!

I still think the best comparison for Fable II would be Mass Effect. Both action RPGs, both 1st party, both highly hyped, both receiving about the same review scores, both reputable RPG developers, etc.

NeoRatt said:
I would be surprised if Fable II did one million the first week.

Mass Effect did 385.000 first week. I would think that Fable II would be more in the 500,000-700,000 range taking into account the increased install base.


I agree.

Useless anecdotal evidence:

Based on my friends list (sample size of ~90) this is selling a lot closer to Mass Effect, BioShock and even Braid than it is to CoD4, GoW, and halo 3.  And that's still great for a RPG.  Also, positive word of mouth will really help this game sell consistently throughout the holiday season.


We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that they [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so the question is what do you do for the rest of the nine and half years? It's a learning process. - SCEI president Kaz Hirai

It's a virus where you buy it and you play it with your friends and they're like, "Oh my God that's so cool, I'm gonna go buy it." So you stop playing it after two months, but they buy it and they stop playing it after two months but they've showed it to someone else who then go out and buy it and so on. Everyone I know bought one and nobody turns it on. - Epic Games president Mike Capps

We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games. - Activision CEO Bobby Kotick