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Forums - General Discussion - What Do You Like Most About Global Warming?

All the cold weather.

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The same thing I like about the Bermuda Triangle and leprechauns.

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the fact that global warming is fictional and your really looking for the term climate change.

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The people who claim it's 100% true/false without giving basis for that claim.


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ssj12 said:
the fact that global warming is fictional and your really looking for the term climate change.

Actually global warming isn't fictional - the world on a whole is warming. I'm pretty sure the only reason why its constantly referred to as climate change now is because the scientists were getting fucking sick of 'But its cold where I live so the world can't be warming'. Kind of like the OP.

Anyway, what I'm really looking foward to is the rising sea levels, I'll buy a house a couple of miles inland and soon it'll be beachfront.

Edit: @NJ5. It is 100% true that the world is warming, there is enough data collected over the past ~100 years to prove that solidly. Its not 100% certain what the cause is, how severe the effects will be or how long the warming will last. Though of course there is extensive research into all of those that you can look up if you want probabilities (I believe the conclusion of the IPCC was that there is a >60% chance that its largely anthropogenic but I may be wrong).

@Rath: I was going to write "100% false" only, but then I thought I'd preempt the inevitable replies ;)

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The world's temperatures have risen dramatically in the past 50 years due to excessive carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels and over population of the Earth. The carbon dioxide gets trapped within the earth's atmosphere resulting in the green house effect. Both polar ice caps + Greenland are melting at an alarming rate.

The world's average sea levels will rise up to 10 feet when all the ice has melted resulting in catastrophic outcomes to countries located at below sea level and at sea level. Mass flooding and tidal waves will result in the deaths of millions of people worldwide.

The sea will reclaim the land. There is not much that can be done about the horrific future that lays ahead of the world.

@Espresso. See thats the type of thing that gives all the 'global warming is a lie' people their ammo. You're stating all of that as if it is fact while only some of it is.

The world's temperatures have risen dramatically in the past 50 years (fact) due to excessive carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels (not fact) and over population of the Earth(not fact). The carbon dioxide gets trapped within the earth's atmosphere resulting in the green house effect(fact). Both polar ice caps + Greenland are melting at an alarming rate(fact).

The sea levels were rise up to 10 feet when all the ice has melted (not fact (all the ice may not melt)) resulting in catastrophic outcomes to countries located at below sea level and at sea level(not fact). Mass flooding and tidal waves will result in the deaths of millions of people worldwide(not fact).

The sea will reclaim the land(not fact). There is not much that can be done about the horrific future that lays ahead of the world(not fact).

You see spreading doomsday talking isn't actually helping - we are very uncertain about weather in the future because models are only so accurate and their accuracy drops off heavily when predicting more than a decade into the future. Global warming is likely to be catastrophic and its likely that its impact can be reduced by taking action now.