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ssj12 said:
the fact that global warming is fictional and your really looking for the term climate change.

Actually global warming isn't fictional - the world on a whole is warming. I'm pretty sure the only reason why its constantly referred to as climate change now is because the scientists were getting fucking sick of 'But its cold where I live so the world can't be warming'. Kind of like the OP.

Anyway, what I'm really looking foward to is the rising sea levels, I'll buy a house a couple of miles inland and soon it'll be beachfront.

Edit: @NJ5. It is 100% true that the world is warming, there is enough data collected over the past ~100 years to prove that solidly. Its not 100% certain what the cause is, how severe the effects will be or how long the warming will last. Though of course there is extensive research into all of those that you can look up if you want probabilities (I believe the conclusion of the IPCC was that there is a >60% chance that its largely anthropogenic but I may be wrong).