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Forums - Sony Discussion - OMG look at this MGS4 themed PS3!

PS3 looks awesome, that munted controller does not.

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Xen said:
*fap fap fap fap fap fap*


 Wtf?! lol!!!! Xen. :P

ssj12 said:



what are these things infront of the bottles? Condoms? MGS4 condoms? Snake's condoms? (ok that was a bit far)


 Rofl my Waffles!

Wow, looks freakin Sick

foolpittier said:
it's the most beautiful playstation 3 I've ever seen


 This, 100%! but the the controller... is fugly... :P

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jesus fuck.... 16k

someone give me 16k... i'll hire 3rd party to make a replica and fly to japan to get the autographs.... the drinks and patches might be a problem though... and i'll have a crapton of money left over

 I bet kojima is bidding for this to put in a display case or som crap

just awesome man.the artworks is amazing.I would love it more if the grey was sparkling.

this has improved the looks of an already good looking PS3

i hate people who have money.
That does it, I'm going to mod my own case and sell it on ebay....

Xen said:
*fap fap fap fap fap fap*

*politely turns away*


That's definitely the best looking mod job PS3 I've seen on a PS3 yet. Must be an extremely wealthy gamer who can afford to bid 16k for it.