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Forums - General Discussion - No-God slogans on busses.

Kasz216 said:

Churches do a lot of actual good.

Charity work and all that... always helping out the homeless... acting as homeless shelters.  etc.

Which is something it would be neat if atheists did.... instead of worthless bus rallies.  Some sort of charity to help people while challenging monotheism.

Churches in general are a good way to get people helping out their lesser man. (most anyway.)

Christians do a lot more 'worthless advertising' than athiests do.  Ever heard of missionaries?

Athiests donate to charity (I would argue more so than Christians), we just dont bother to donate to an 'Athiest Charity' like Christians who want to donate to Christian charities.  I'm an athiest and I've volunteered with several Christians charities.  I even go along with it, the last time I participated in a prayer was when others wanted to bless a house we were working on and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches some people brought for us. 

Thanks for the PB&J Jesus, because without you I would have still been eating PB&J.

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I love Richard Dawkins, we need more outspoken atheists like him.

I believe in God and by faith believe that He is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
And I approve of this slogan. it's funny.
Atheists don't bother me. In fact, many religious people do.

I'm just concerned that some atheists are becoming religious.

Kasz216 said:
ManusJustus said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Not nearly as much wasted money as millions of church goers who operate, donate, and drive to church.

If Christians stopped attending church, we would save billions in gas alone.

Churches do a lot of actual good.

Charity work and all that... always helping out the homeless... acting as homeless shelters.  etc.

Which is something it would be neat if atheists did.... instead of worthless bus rallies.  Some sort of charity to help people while challenging monotheism.

Churches in general are a good way to get people helping out their lesser man. (most anyway.)

This campaign.... nothing.

Churches are indeed good, and will always be a positive staple to society.  The slogan is hilarious and I'm sure that while they were implementing it they knew it would piss people off.  Im sure Christians are fully aware that many of their campaigns will indeed piss people off but don't really care.  It's been this kind of shit-slinging fest for thousands of years, nothing new people.

I'm a Christian by faith but don't have a denomination...I think it's annoying how some of them profess ro be better more "holier" than others so I prefer to simply believe in the faith itself, while respecting others for their faiths and beliefs.  Everyone should enjoy their lives while they have them :D


Kasz216 said:
Rath said:
outlawauron said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Guess the economic crisis ain't so bad in england.

Seriously. You would think that they'd could do more to further their Humanist society other than knocking down Christianity.

Where did you get the idea they were knocking down Christianity? Its not the only monotheistic religion - this ad is an attack on all of them equally.


Because it's the "state religion"? 

I'd guess.  Kinda funny.  People complain about Church and State in the US... and yet the UK is the one where a guy had to quit his job because he wanted to be Catholic.



 What guy quit his job because he wanted to become catholic?

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EDIT: Post of the doubled kind.

Coca-Cola said:
I believe in God and by faith believe that He is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
And I approve of this slogan. it's funny.
Atheists don't bother me. In fact, many religious people do.

I'm just concerned that some atheists are becoming religious.

Well, there are. And it's extremely funny.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Atheists donate to charities and volunteer all the time. By definition, they don't believe in an afterlife, so they REALLY care about this one, so they really want to make the world a better place while they're still alive, and for their children. They just don't feel the need to bring their beliefs into their charity work, and name their groups after atheism and preach about atheism to the homeless. Atheists pretty much don't care what other people believe in, but don't want religion in government, and don't want to be looked down upon as immoral freaks who can never run for office.

Athesits on my bus?
oh hell no

get the jesus ray

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Atheists donate to charities and volunteer all the time. By definition, they don't believe in an afterlife, so they REALLY care about this one, so they really want to make the world a better place while they're still alive, and for their children. They just don't feel the need to bring their beliefs into their charity work, and name their groups after atheism and preach about atheism to the homeless. Atheists pretty much don't care what other people believe in, but don't want religion in government, and don't want to be looked down upon as immoral freaks who can never run for office.

I would agree and thank the atheists for volunteering.

I would disagree that all religious people care about is after-life.

religious people do way more for the world (this life) than atheist do.

CEO at  Red Cross makes millions

CEO at Salvation Army makes less than $50,000.  (last time I checked)

I agree that religion and government is dangerous, however, if religious group is helping  the needy, then why not have government involved when necessary?