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Forums - General Discussion - No-God slogans on busses.

outlawauron said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Guess the economic crisis ain't so bad in england.

Seriously. You would think that they'd could do more to further their Humanist society other than knocking down Christianity.

Where did you get the idea they were knocking down Christianity? Its not the only monotheistic religion - this ad is an attack on all of them equally.


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Rath said:
outlawauron said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Guess the economic crisis ain't so bad in england.

Seriously. You would think that they'd could do more to further their Humanist society other than knocking down Christianity.

Where did you get the idea they were knocking down Christianity? Its not the only monotheistic religion - this ad is an attack on all of them equally.


Well, most attacks from atheists are directed to Christianity. It's the biggest target audience for them. However, I will say that my experiences with atheists are American, but I assume that the culture is too radically different.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

This ad questions all religions with the word probably. It's not an attack on anything. It's an attempt to get people to think and/or laugh, which are both very important and awesome.

Also I agree with the statement by the methodist guy. This gets both atheists and theists thinking about the nature of things, that has got to be a good thing. It might even get the agnostics thinking about the nature of religion which is pretty hard to do =P.

Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Not nearly as much wasted money as millions of church goers who operate, donate, and drive to church.

If Christians stopped attending church, we would save billions in gas alone.

Around the Network
Rath said:
outlawauron said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Guess the economic crisis ain't so bad in england.

Seriously. You would think that they'd could do more to further their Humanist society other than knocking down Christianity.

Where did you get the idea they were knocking down Christianity? Its not the only monotheistic religion - this ad is an attack on all of them equally.


Because it's the "state religion"? 

I'd guess.  Kinda funny.  People complain about Church and State in the US... and yet the UK is the one where a guy had to quit his job because he wanted to be Catholic.


ManusJustus said:
Kasz216 said:
Wow. What a waste of money...

Not nearly as much wasted money as millions of church goers who operate, donate, and drive to church.

If Christians stopped attending church, we would save billions in gas alone.

Churches do a lot of actual good.

Charity work and all that... always helping out the homeless... acting as homeless shelters.  etc.

Which is something it would be neat if atheists did.... instead of worthless bus rallies.  Some sort of charity to help people while challenging monotheism.

Churches in general are a good way to get people helping out their lesser man. (most anyway.)

This campaign.... nothing.

If you're calling this an attack against religion, then you also have to call every religious ad an attack against atheism.

Religious adverts are all over the place. It's only fair to give atheists the chance to voice their opinions also.

Due to the freedom of religion in the US constitution, ads like that wouldn't happen. Denouncing one's faith is considered persecution of religion. That said, atheism is not a recognized religion, but a lack thereof, and thus not covered by constitutional rights. Thus in the US, why atheists have to "put up and shut up"

I want ads like those here in my country. Of course, I live in the only country in South America (I think) where "the State professes and sustains the Roman Catholic religion". It's good to know the taxes I pay are used to fund a religion I don't believe in