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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: We ran into blank screen in Far cry 2 on Xbox360

this has me worried,,,is this  the same thing for PS3,,,casue they just mention the 360.


Early talk of an uninterrupted open world is sadly is a little wide of the mark, with small loading screens punctuating the action, giving the Xbox 360 we tested the game on a little room to breathe as it endeavoured to bring the ambitious visuals to the screen. Indeed, the console frequently creaks under the weight that Ubisoft Montreal has placed upon it, and all too often our immersion in the world was broken as objects crept into the scenery – a number of times we found ourselves heading into a completely blank screen, having to wait a few moments for the surroundings to stutter into place.


Is this the same deal with PS3 version aswell?I know PC will not have these problems,,,but what about PS3?




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It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.

^^^lol thank you ;)




depends on which was the lead platform

I'm guessing that the PS3 version could avoid this problem with a mandatory installation, something that the 360 version can't do.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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i m thinking Far cry 2 will cause some RROD,,,IGN is saying it was noticeable that Ubi soft is putting too much pressure on 360




It may be that this is only afflicting the 360 version, since there is no US review up for Far Cry 2 360 but there is one for the PS3. Personally, I would hold off a minute until the US 360 review is unveiled or the UK PS3 review is if this is that worrisome to you.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Where is the IGN PS3 review Onyxmeth,,,none of PS3 mags(like PSM)mentioned a problem like this.

could it be that we have an mandatory install on PS3?




its not that big of a deal right?





dougsdad0629 said:
I'm guessing that the PS3 version could avoid this problem with a mandatory installation, something that the 360 version can't do.


Smooth wording with the mandatory, because in less then a month you'll be able to burn games to the 360 HDD.

I bet this will cause future RROD ;)

It's just that simple.