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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft, How to blow your PS3 lead in Japan

So Microsoft is doing pretty good in Japan. Not great, but good. Good enough to beat the PS3 last month. This is the Xbox 360 display at Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara. The banner in the front is an advertisement for an entertainment festival in Akihabara — it's a red herring, disregard. Back in August, the Xbox 360 sold out in this very store. If you've been to Akihabara, you know that this is a very large retailer. Lots of shoppers! So for Microsoft to sell out right here is a good sign, and it's great for the Xbox 360's reputation in Japan. This demo set-up is not. Well, no, the set-up is fine, it's the upkeep. But just as Microsoft starts to gain ground in Japan, an old friend rears its ugly head...

Hrm. Let's get a closer look. Over there, right about that price cut poster.
Hello, you. Out of all the demo kiosk consoles Microsoft needs working in Japan... Doubt this will catastrophically affect Xbox 360 sales in Japan. Microsoft will most likely sell lots of consoles this holiday season. (So will will Nintendo and Sony. Everyone wins!)

lol kinda funny

(If there's already a thread about this then sorry, you can go ahead and lock it)

Edit: I thought Microsoft got the RROD thing fixed with some new motherboard? Why is it still happening now?

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I've heard quite a few times that display 360s were RRODed.

Funny, but nothing that's going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things.

RROD probably is making a difference in the grand scheme of things, but Nintendo had this generation sewed up from the day Iwata pulled a waggle-wand out of his pocket.

this is like the 5th time in 2008 i see something like this happen.

this happened in the shop in my area

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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I thought Microsoft got the RROD thing fixed with some new motherboard?

Why is it still happening now?

Is that a red ring on the last pic??

F.U. Fun University.

gera4390 said:
Is that a red ring on the last pic??

Yeh that's what the articles about, there's some big retailer in Japan that has sold out of X360, which is suppose to be really surprising and that same retailer had a display model of a X360 and it RRoDed :(


Gilgamesh said:
gera4390 said:
Is that a red ring on the last pic??

Yeh that's what the articles about, there's some big retailer in Japan that has sold out of X360, which is suppose to be really surprising and that same retailer had a display model of a X360 and it RRoDed :(



that's publicity, bad publicity, but still publicity :p

F.U. Fun University.

gera4390 said:
Gilgamesh said:
gera4390 said:
Is that a red ring on the last pic??

Yeh that's what the articles about, there's some big retailer in Japan that has sold out of X360, which is suppose to be really surprising and that same retailer had a display model of a X360 and it RRoDed :(



that's publicity, bad publicity, but still publicity :p

true, like they say theres no such thing as bad publicity