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Forums - Sony Discussion - Little Big Planet

well i had 4 copies of little big planet and managed to sell 3 for $140 each, now im deciding wheather or not to keep the 4th, i dont have a ps3 nor do i plan to get one, but i hear this might become a rare collecter's item worth a shit load of cash later because it the copy pre-delay.  so my question is do i keep it or sell it, i have alot of people emailing me about it. and its sealed never been opened.


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Judging by ebay...I don't believe you.

You could just send it to me.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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ebay is selling at less than $100. i don't believe you either.

Too bad for those who overpay for this game.

You can't take it online or else it gets patched and has zero difference between the new version.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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You dont belive him??
Check this :



Take my love, take my land..

Simulacrum said:
You dont belive him??
Check this :


thank you for trusting me and i sold em on craigslist. and i still havnt got a suggestion on what i should do.  and i gotta say gamers are the most pessimistic people out there


Why did you get 4 games if you didn't own a PS3 in the first place? So greedy to sell it for more to make some profit off some priceless games. If you don't plan on getting a PS3, then just sell it, what else would you do with it?

Greed is bad for you.

Greed is only thing you can trust in this world.



Take my love, take my land..

Sell the thing and get it over with you're not even guaranteed it'll be worth that much later and you never if they release that patch than it'll be worth nothing.