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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - sick of MS dancing around problems

konnichiwa, Are you saying that customers should be happy with hardware being released yet to be fixed on the fly like software. Ive said it before i can understand falling for a 360, titles are there. My point is if it was anything else, TV, Cooker, Radio, Anything but a console no one would be saying the burden of proof is on the customer to prove its still broken, it would be on the manufacturer to prove its fixed which it would do with a product recall. I think we can all agree that that would have been suicide for the 360 but still the burden is with them.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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joshin69 said:

konnichiwa, Are you saying that customers should be happy with hardware being released yet to be fixed on the fly like software. Ive said it before i can understand falling for a 360, titles are there. My point is if it was anything else, TV, Cooker, Radio, Anything but a console no one would be saying the burden of proof is on the customer to prove its still broken, it would be on the manufacturer to prove its fixed which it would do with a product recall. I think we can all agree that that would have been suicide for the 360 but still the burden is with them.


 No I am just saying we should not trust MS and yups we should not trust some user on the internet aswell.  Their was a Dutch TV show about the problem if I am right MS didn't wanted to admitt that their was a problem but when the show was aired they finally admitted it (or some kind of). You can find it on youtube with English subs.

I can't tell about other parts of the World but in the Benelux MS is giving a new Xbox 360 if you have a RROD problem still if I check local Xbox only forums I see members who have got again a RROD even when their console was only 3-6 months old; For me it is very clear that their are still problems and I know that those members are not lying. (But hey you don't have to believe me I am still just a random user on the internet).

Not being an ass or anything.. but you shouldn't hold a smoking xbox down with books lol. That's asking for trouble.

True enough, he could well have been living under a bridge and fancied popping his head up. His experience doesn't run with the majority ether in the "honest question about RRoD" most have said yes irritating but well livable with for the great games.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

Had my Xbox 15 months .....

Play it most days for several hours...its never missed a beat.

Manufacter Date July 2007

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They are improving greatly. I'll say that much. I personally still don't trust it.

4 ≈ One

@ tunniaez, when I wasn't playing my xbox i would unplug it from the outlet in the wall, i had the same fear

i bought 500 Xbox 360's and one half of them had RROD.

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


^ 500 huh???