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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - sick of MS dancing around problems

@xman, yea that warranty is there because they can't fix it permanently, call it an old issue but we're talking about MS as a whole not fixing the many problems of its products....and one last thing I have both 360 and PS3, if you need proof i can send you FR's on either.

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At the end of the day sell your 360 gear, move on and shut up! you probably dont even own a 360 or xbox because if you did the 3 year warranty gives you unrivalled customer support. and after a flaming xbox why would you buy 360?

Hell did your first PS and PS2 last forever without problems and bluedisks play fine.

daddo whats your GT i'll send you a fr, and btw my psone never had any problems traded it in when i got my ps2 and, traded my ps2 in when i preordered my 360,

Garnett said:
thejuicingamer said:

I remember back when I had my original xbox about 4 years ago it would start smoking in the back where the power cable connected, shortly afterwards a story of how an xbox caught fire hit the media and MS started shipping out those new Power cables with the little buttons on them that did absolutly nothing to fix the problem since it wasnt the cable, and btw my xbox still smoked even with that new cable... anyway now we've got the 360 and every new model/chip in the 360 promises to be more reliable and all that crap but the issue is not the chip but the design that causes the 360 to overheat itself to death, i'm really frustrated about this.... and for anyone saying " oh the rrod % has gone down" thats not the case at all based on my personal accounts and 2 of my friends who both got the rrod off of new xbox's they recieved last christmas.. it's an epidemic.


Trolling? maybe


And do you have a link supporting your "facts"about the original XBOX smoking cause mine never did that...

 I am willing to bet his didn't smoke either. When something is smoking it means there is a part burning. That cannot go on indefinitely. If something was being burned up it would have either a) run out or b) run out and broken the machine. If he saw something coming off his machine in the form of smoke then it must have been a part of the machine, or some kind of crap that got stuck there to improper maintenence.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

i'll break this down for you, my power supply area on my original xbox where you connected the power cable became loose and would smoke up if it was not held down by something, what i did was i used book and placed it on top of the power cable input area......... Microsoft made it seem as if the power cable was the problem but it was not, it was the power supply that was not soldered well and would become loose.

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Don't you guys know anything about electronics?
They're all smoke powered. Once the smoke escapes, it's bye-bye equipment.


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

thejuicingamer said:
i'll break this down for you, my power supply area on my original xbox where you connected the power cable became loose and would smoke up if it was not held down by something, what i did was i used book and placed it on top of the power cable input area......... Microsoft made it seem as if the power cable was the problem but it was not, it was the power supply that was not soldered well and would become loose.

 The law of conservation of matter still applies though. Something was being burned that would eventually be gone. Thats just the way physics works.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

falcons still break. I saw a thread about one last week.. here :\ where have you been ?.. i've seen several actually..

Check out my game about moles ^

@gnizmo, it would smoke if it was not properly in place, thats why i had to hold it down with that book until i got my 360, idk why you're trying to debate this with me for

Pro Tip: When your console starts smoking, it's time to excercise your rights under warranties OR if that is not possible, send in for repairs or ditch the thing

Second Pro Tip: When one console screws you over from a particular company, don't go back to them next generation!

Third Pro Tip: Sell the damned 360 if it is giving you so many problems. Then again, I'm not sure imaginary items can be sold on ebay....