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Forums - Sony Discussion - Where is my heavenly sword 2 ???

SO what do you think? The first one sold well (above 1M). I think it deserves a sequel, but I also know that ninja theory's not working on it. Sony owns the IP so maybe they gave the projetc to another studio? Where is my heavenly sword 2 ???

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Maybe they realized the first one was only a bad God of War with boobies that played itself and nothing that deserved a sequel?


Also, people like quick time events about as much as fetch quest and escort missions.

no chance for at least another year. they could give it to From Software ora European studio

Also (and I'm not sure how on topic this is), they really tried too hard with their story telling and emotion and all that.

People don't play an action game for fantastic story telling and character development. They play an action game like that to kill a lot of things. That's like saying I want to play a FF game because I want some action.

twesterm said:

Maybe they realized the first one was only a bad God of War with boobies that played itself and nothing that deserved a sequel?


Also, people like quick time events about as much as fetch quest and escort missions.


But God of War already had those, just not on the main character. (Thank God)

I will agree with you, the quick time events are horrible. I can't tell you how much I hate them.

OT: I don't have high hopes for the release of a sequel, but I'm not too bummed about that; God of War III is coming eventually. =)

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Poor tremble, he wants a sequel of a game so much and you are all downgrading it =p.

According to Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades, the story for the sequel has been already written; in fact a whole trilogy is being planned. He stated, "We've had the story for the sequel for a while now. Hopefully, if this game is successful, then there's no reason why there shouldn't be a sequel and we'd very much like to go into that."[22]

On March 21, 2008, on G4's Attack of the Show it was listed on the scrolling banner that Ninja Theory is not planning to create a sequel for Heavenly Sword, and instead has decided to work on a new project. Though information on the decision and the aforementioned project were sparse, it was stated that production time for the new project will span well over a year, and that the project, like Heavenly Sword, will be extremely cinematic.

On May 21, 2008, IT Manager “Peonic” announced that a follow-up to Heavenly Sword would be extremely unlikely due to Ninja Theory's decision to pursue opportunities within multi-platform development:

"We’re not abandoning HS just on a whim because we want to go off and do something different - there’s a great huge raft of reasons behind us taking the direction we are - and it’s also the nature of the business that I’m not allowed to share any of those reasons with you.

As for the ‘you’re just not doing HS2 NOW’ comments - well one thing you learn in this industry is that you never say ‘Never’. So I’m not going to say we’ll “never” go back and make HS2 - but it’s something I personally see as extremely unlikely."

However, since SCE attains the IP of Heavenly Sword, there's always the possibility of production on a sequel being outsourced to another developer.[23]


I love real time events.

i think they already confirmed that it wont be made





Does anyone really care??

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey