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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!

BMaker11 said:
Only an 89 on Metacritic? AAA DENIED!!!!

Not really...but that's what a lot of people said about Uncharted. Will be picking this up after LBP, R2, and potentially Gears

yes fable 2 is no longer AAA

it is 89% at metacritic . It is at 89.7 at GR but GR doesnt count as it takes into account only english reviews

FABLE 2 is officially not an AAA

the game got 8.8 from IGN . that might have prompted other reviews to give it 8/10 . Most eu reviewers gave it 8/10

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lwhatee said:
BMaker11 said:
Only an 89 on Metacritic? AAA DENIED!!!!

Not really...but that's what a lot of people said about Uncharted. Will be picking this up after LBP, R2, and potentially Gears

yes fable 2 is no longer AAA

it is 89% at metacritic . It is at 89.7 at GR but GR doesnt count as it takes into account only english reviews

FABLE 2 is officially not an AAA

the game got 8.8 from IGN . that might have prompted other reviews to give it 8/10 . Most eu reviewers gave it 8/10


Words fail me. Get a life seriously, it sounds like you took much pleasure in announcing that.


Fable 2 = game of the year.

seece said:
lwhatee said:
BMaker11 said:
Only an 89 on Metacritic? AAA DENIED!!!!

Not really...but that's what a lot of people said about Uncharted. Will be picking this up after LBP, R2, and potentially Gears

yes fable 2 is no longer AAA

it is 89% at metacritic . It is at 89.7 at GR but GR doesnt count as it takes into account only english reviews

FABLE 2 is officially not an AAA

the game got 8.8 from IGN . that might have prompted other reviews to give it 8/10 . Most eu reviewers gave it 8/10


Words fail me. Get a life seriously, it sounds like you took much pleasure in announcing that.


why u say that?

fable 2 is 89% at Metacritic so not an AAA anymore.

GR doesnt count and Uncharted is also 90% at GR .

N4G META also gives u a representation of all reviews but its also not as widely accepted as METACRITIC

For the past two years we've stated that AAA is a game with 90%+ on Metacritic, so if Fable II doesn't get 90%+ then its not considered AAA

Oh well, I'll just have to settle on just playing a "really good game" on my 360...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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gebx said:
For the past two years we've stated that AAA is a game with 90%+ on Metacritic, so if Fable II doesn't get 90%+ then its not considered AAA

Oh well, I'll just have to settle on just playing a "really good game" on my 360...



Its currently 90 on metacritic with 29 reviews...



Squilliam said:
gebx said:
For the past two years we've stated that AAA is a game with 90%+ on Metacritic, so if Fable II doesn't get 90%+ then its not considered AAA

Oh well, I'll just have to settle on just playing a "really good game" on my 360...



Its currently 90 on metacritic with 29 reviews...


its going to go down giant bomb give it a 4/5 and its going to go a couple points like LBT


Dude I don't think Daily Game even played Fable II.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

I couldn't find the gamedaily review on their site, can someone link me to it?

Edit: actualy nvm I found it off the metacritic site thanks to squilly =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

gebx said:
For the past two years we've stated that AAA is a game with 90%+ on Metacritic, so if Fable II doesn't get 90%+ then its not considered AAA

Oh well, I'll just have to settle on just playing a "really good game" on my 360...


Strange, I've never heard that "rule" before.

Also, it seems strange that we use Gamerankings to determine the highest rated game of all time "OOT."

In fact, I don't think there is a rule.

Seeing as how the game is currently 89.7 on GR, and 90 on Meta, I wouldn't even be arguing this if I wasn't adamantly against using the far less accurate Metacritic to base AAA scores on. They don't even know what B- means, apparently.

According to you, at this very moment, Fable 2 is AAA. I won't argue. It'll probably drop a point or two in the end on metacritic, but for me, I use gamerankings.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.