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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!

Xponent said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Xponent said:



As I've already stated, I expected between 9-9.5.

The thing is, you're the only one that jumped to that conclusion Zen. Obviously, you're a regular poster here, and I've noticed that you do have a tendency to jumpt to conclusions and read too much into things. I did state in my original post that I was looking forward to the game if you didn't notice, which should have been a hint to you that I don't hate on the game at all.



 hehehe, you see.

Time to Work !

Around the Network
libellule said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Xponent said:

Sorry Zen, but you're jumping to conclusions I'm afraid. I've got nothing against Fable 2. In fact I've been awaiting its release, being such a fan of the original. All I did was simply state that the review failed to match my initial expectation. If you think that is trolling, I'd hate for you to be a mod.


I'd hate for me to be a mod too. However, my beef was with your assertion that 9/10 aggregate is below your  expectations. What were your expectations. Saying crap like that without explaining it usually means you are trolling/flamebaiting, speak english as a second language, or are can't express yourself with written word.

Just explain your posts and you'll never be accused of trolling. It's usually not a good idea to say something negative about something everyone is excited about, in a sentence or less. Explain yourself, and it won't be misunderstood.

Xponent was pretty clear in his little post.

Like you, he is a bit disapointing with some review score and he was expecting something higher.

Not like you, he was expressing what he truly feels.

I said what I truely feel.

Anyway, we're getting dangrously close to trolling this topic simply by posting too much an it(ask Wiiforever about that particular bansauce).

Let's just end it. I think that I made my opinions pretty clear and so did you. You hate me because of France.'

I would have never busted Xponent out on that, if it wasn't for you prodding me because of the France thing, which spurred from the Fallout 3 prediction, which again spurred from our general taste in videogames and gaming consoles somehow, but that's for a different day.

If Xponent wants to say that Fable 2 got lower reviews than he expected, fine. Gravy. I just wish that he would explain statements like that in the future, instead of just making them and moving on.

As for you, Champion of France and Xponent in general, I'm sorry I flamed France. Ok? I said it. Stop posting, because I'm going to let some other people get a chance to post in this thread, and you should also.



Zenfoldor(The End)


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


DMeisterJ said:
The game is really short :'(

Ten hours main story? 30 with side-quests?


Rahter short and tight then long and boring, you also can replay since you can be good or evil I plan on playing through it once as each

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Would be interesting to answer to some of you point.

but, let's stop the "fight".


Time to Work !

libellule said:
Xponent said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Xponent said:



As I've already stated, I expected between 9-9.5.

The thing is, you're the only one that jumped to that conclusion Zen. Obviously, you're a regular poster here, and I've noticed that you do have a tendency to jumpt to conclusions and read too much into things. I did state in my original post that I was looking forward to the game if you didn't notice, which should have been a hint to you that I don't hate on the game at all.



 hehehe, you see.



Xponent, it's fine. Your opinion is fine.

However, in the future, don't go on, say, the Resistance 2 forum and say, "Good reviews but lower than I expected."

Instead say, "Good reviews, but lower than I expected because i expected 9-9.5."

Then you have explained yourself, instead of just making a statement that might piss off fans of the game. You know? Explaining yourself. Even if you are or arent' trolling, your motivations make no difference. Your actions are what we judge you by. I was pretty sure you didnt' have malicious motivations, but just to keep things from being misunderstood in the future, explain yourself. Takes like 5 extra letters.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network
ZenfoldorVGI said:
DOATS1 said:
high 80's or low 90's for this. aa confirmed

aa confirmed, aaa potential.

I think when the 4/5 middleground casual reviewers who don't like to take chances with personal opinion start rolling in, we'll average somewhere around 8.65. Could get a couple of lucky bounces though and end up around 8.9.

It's easier to predict the weather, than half these idiots opinions, with the review system in its current state.



i think like uncharted, it deserves aaa status. but if it doesn't get it then it's just not meant to be. i was gutted when uncharted missed out on a 90%, because it's one of the best games i have played this gen.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
libellule said:
Xponent said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Xponent said:



As I've already stated, I expected between 9-9.5.

The thing is, you're the only one that jumped to that conclusion Zen. Obviously, you're a regular poster here, and I've noticed that you do have a tendency to jumpt to conclusions and read too much into things. I did state in my original post that I was looking forward to the game if you didn't notice, which should have been a hint to you that I don't hate on the game at all.



 hehehe, you see.



Xponent, it's fine. Your opinion is fine.

However, in the future, don't go on, say, the Resistance 2 forum and say, "Good reviews but lower than I expected."

Instead say, "Good reviews, but lower than I expected because i expected 9-9.5."

Then you have explained yourself, instead of just making a statement that might piss off fans of the game. You know? Explaining yourself. Even if you are or arent' trolling, your motivations make no difference. Your actions are what we judge you by. I was pretty sure you didnt' have malicious motivations, but just to keep things from being misunderstood in the future, explain yourself. Takes like 5 extra letters.


Actually, I'll write my posts any way I choose to thank you very much. It's you who jump to conclusions, and its not my fault that you interpreted me as a troll, clearly missing the point I made that I'm looking forward to playing the game regardless of review scores. Sheesh man don't be so quick to accuse people of things that simply aren't true. I thought I was pretty clear as did Lubellule.

Next time I post in a thread with you in it, I'll make it more straightforward for you then.

DOATS1 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
DOATS1 said:
high 80's or low 90's for this. aa confirmed

aa confirmed, aaa potential.

I think when the 4/5 middleground casual reviewers who don't like to take chances with personal opinion start rolling in, we'll average somewhere around 8.65. Could get a couple of lucky bounces though and end up around 8.9.

It's easier to predict the weather, than half these idiots opinions, with the review system in its current state.



i think like uncharted, it deserves aaa status. but if it doesn't get it then it's just not meant to be. i was gutted when uncharted missed out on a 90%, because it's one of the best games i have played this gen.

I didn't really respect Uncharted as much as I should have. However, I recently went back and played Uncharted(at my brothers suggestion) and also Fable 1, and I really liked both of those games. If I had reviewed them, I'd probably give them both 90+ and yeah, I agree that a game getting that close is just bad mojo for it. Fable 2 will be the same, no doubt.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Xponent said:

Actually, I'll write my posts any way I choose to thank you very much.

...and so shall I my friend...and so shall I.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Planet Xbox360 9.5

Computer & Video Games UK 9.2