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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA has been making some good games lately

Branko, I hope that's not true, but it's Ubisoft so I wouldn't doubt that they would kill a series so quick... However, I played Games Workshop games as a teen, smaller skirmishes could be quite fun if the maps are good.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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You forgot to mention Fifa soccer 09' but you are forgiven due to being an American.

Yeh, I have already got Mercenaries which is quite decent and Burnout Paradise was incredible

They are also releasing ME, DS, L4D and others, which look like really good games

Munkeh111 said:
Yeh, I have already got Mercenaries which is quite decent and Burnout Paradise was incredible

They are also releasing Mass Effect 2, Dead Space , Left 4 Dead and others, which look like really good games

Those games will be excellent games. I wonder if Mass Effect 2 will be coming to the PS3?


I meant Mirror's Edge

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FIFA09 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

My game of the year!!!!

Onyxmeth said:


Yeah EA has done so well this year I think it curbed almost all negative talk of them being a publisher of inferior quality. I do believe the new leader is Ubisoft to many.


 I think it is Nintendo who is wearing the crown;

The opening post had me until the sports games were mentioned. Those games are not seriously stepping up their game in a way that attracts new audiences, outside of the Wii versions that may admittedly be doing it in the wrong way (and I think Nintendo's approach is perfect). Mirror's Edge is the real test in my opinion, though (despite me having no urge to actually play it), and if they can get Sid Meier to produce something genuinely up to his capabilities I'll offer up my first-born. All told, however, they're still more likely to shoot out a total crap-fest than something worth owning.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Dead Space is great! Keep the good job EA.