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Forums - Sales Discussion - Pachter - LBP to be SONY's secret weapon, Mirror's Edge to sell 2-3 Million

HappySqurriel said:

Michael Pachter also claimed that Grand Theft Auto 4 was a major threat to the Wii ...

OWNED! For the things he gets right, this was a glaring problem.


Edit: This was my 4,000th post. Woo!

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Aj_habfan said:
senortaco said:
...Where I find his prediction wrong is that you need more then one game to have casual appeal. Last gen PS2 had more then one. Nintendo took the idea that PS2 developed, and expound on it to the tenth power. Being short sighted led to Sony's position this generation.

...LBP is a good but JUST ONE GAME.

Too bad they have more then JUST ONE GAME. Not counting all the multiplatform casual games, they have the Hot Shots series, Singstar Series, Buzz! series, EyeToy series (Eyepet PS3 next year) and more upcoming ones like Flower.


@ FIRST BOLD: Take Multiplatform casual games out as those generally are not trend changers.

@ SECOND BOLD: Those are nice complinments, but if LBP fails to grown PS3 pass it's install basE, it will be pointless. The new Eyepet gaming coming next year looks fun, possibly a trend changer, worth seeing.


The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

I think Sony has positioned itself too far up the market for LBP to be AS successful as it could be. Its sales would be so much higher if it was on a cheaper console. Am sure it will appeal to the casuals but how many are going to spend 400$/£ however much it is in each territory? I think most of the LBP buyers are going to be current ps3 owners. I think Sony for the moment has priced itself out of the casual impulse buying territory for now, however good the game may be.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

I think LBP will be huge!! But no so huge as to turn this console war around, i just do not see that happening, and anybody thinking it will is very deluded, GTA is a bigger casual game than this is (that's not a diss by the Way) and has more main stream appeal IMO, and if you can remember GTA did not help eighth of the HD twins (though was the thing that puushed me to get my 360).

So when he says its a secret weapon who is it against? Nintendo? surely not. Microsoft? who are in the process of revamping their dashboard/live experience and trying to attract new gamers on board (though i don't know how far that will get them) and also who have a 5 mil lead.

All in all i am looking forward to picking up my PS3 with a copy of LBP with all the other great PS3 games, but i just do not see this any sort of secret weapon. Pachter said the same kinda crap about GTa for the HD twins!

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