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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Which Console Will You Go With Next Gen?

Like the previous 2 gens I will purchase Microsofts console 1 year after launch.


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Depends on the games. I'll get the console that has the games that interest me. If the PS4 has BC, then I'll most likely get it. Same thing with the next xbox.

reask said:


I just thought it would be interesting to get members thoughts.


After all we have lots of diverse views to say the least on each console.


Are you happy with your present console if you only own one?


Im more than happy with the 360 and its library. Still a long way to go looking at the future release list before it even looks like I will be unhappy or want to venture into a second console.

Are you disappointed with what you paid for and the capabilities of it?

 Not really, although free Live would be nice (but I totally understand why they need a sustaining fee for a quality service). I hope that console games become as cheap as PC games someday though.

Do you prefer one or the other if you own two or all three?

 I would like to hear others on this as well. But one major factor of my 360 purchase was asking my relative who is a videogame fanatic who gets all consoles and even imports different region ones so he never misses most non worldwide releases. And to this day, he still prefers the 360 and spends the most time on it.

Has your console of choice lived up to your expectations?

 So far a resounding yes. There are a couple of games here and there on PS3 and Wii that are interesting (most notably Super Mario Galaxy and LBP) but not enough to warrant me losing more of my social life and money at this point

Will you stick with your present console maker next gen or jump ship?

 I dont care who is the console maker next gen. I will get the console with the most games that will fulfill my gaming habits the best i.e. has the HD blockbusters, best stories/adventures and best online. When I bought a 360, it was because of other peoples opinion, Gears and the JRPGs (Lost Odyssey/Blue Dragon) that were coming out then. I could see the trend continuing and MS has totally delivered with more great games and JRPGs.

So if you own ps3 will it be ps4?

 If the PS4 has the best games for me, then yes.

If you own 360 will it be 360 2?

 If the Xbox 720 has the best games for me, then yes.

If you own wii will it be wii 2.

 If the Wii HD has the best for me then yes.

If you own all three which one next gen?

 Those who own all 3 will probably get all 3 (or more) again!

I just hope people start to become less console maker oriented in their purchases and just let the basic consumer in them speak - buy the console with the games you want to play are on, and do not base it on supposed loyalties. Also, get the opinion from multi-console owners, I am sure there are alot of them on VGChartz. :)




Isn't it a bit early for this? I mean, we don't know how the craziness this generation is going to effect next gen. For all we know, Sony and Microsoft are going to release casual-game-centric waggle-fest consoles to tap into Nintendo's new market, and Nintendo's going to try to finish off Sony and MS by releasing a graphics-beast super-HD console. You never know.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

I've never skipped out on a Nintendo console before, and I don't see myself doing it next gen, especially since they'll be coming into it as the previous leader.

As for any other consoles, they'll have to fight for my purchase. While I did pick up the PS2/PS3, it was mainly due to Japanese exclusives, and they've gotten weak on that front this gen. Microsoft wasn't a viable choice before, but after titles like ToV, Mistwalker games, Square Enix and other Japanese support, they're now a company I'm keeping an eye on.

If Sony and Microsoft are the only two competitors next gen, I'll probably end up eventually buying both.

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The console I get will depend on:
- When they launch.
- How much they cost.
- What features they have (Backwards compatibility, Blu-Ray, Online, etc)
- What games they have.

The next generation PS console.

my first console will probably be whatever nintendo releases. my second console will be whoever has better games out about a year after that.

Most likely the next Xbox first then the next Playstation.

PS4 first buy.