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Forums - Sales Discussion - I figured out why Nintendo became so dominant in Japan

DMeisterJ said:
Wow Rol.

Can you please try harder?

Stop phoning in these joke threads!

Where is the epicness that used to be RolStoppable.

I'm sorry, but I'm glad that Zen poured hot grease on you.

You are no longer the king of joke threads. It's soriku.

You are not good enough to become Rols arch-foe, your efforts won't make him hate you more than he hates me.


Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Year Total software Nintendo TS on N systems N on N systems
1995 43,651,061
17.2 % 25,011,036 30.1 %
1996 48,748,137 24.4 % 22,759,956 52.3 %
1997 54,131,017 22.1 % 18,031,249 66.2 %
1998 52,783,679 21.5 % 15,997,446 71.0 %
1999 57,011,875 28.4 % 21,257,080 76.1 %
2000 43,656,066 28.0 % 17,009,408 71.8 %
2001 37,552,977 27.8 % 15,875,806 65.7 %
2002 39,426,395 27.5 % 15,676,613 69.0 %
2003 38,090,171 28.9 % 17,848,319 61.7 %
2004 37,083,160 44.5 % 19,152,460 86.1 %
2005 37,518,329 38.8 % 19,937,058 73.0 %
2006 68,801,404 46.7 % 42,871,494 75.0 %
2007 71,173,503 39.3 % 49,634,494 55.6 %
2008 45,374,201 37.1 % 29,127,487 57.8 %

Good lord, I never realized just how much more of the pie Nintendo took with the DS. That's one hell of a jump. I wonder...


In any case, good work on the research and analysis. You've given us a lot to think about.



kirby007 said:
You really did some thinking :O

Italian meteorologist were going nuts to figure out why there was fog in Po Valley even when dry northern wind was blowing... But it wasn't actually fog, but smoke coming out of Rol's ears!   


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

This topic blew my mind. Anyway, Rol, as always, your "I figured out why" topics have proven your genius. Make another one next week?

Pixel Art can be fun.

RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
Wow Rol.

Can you please try harder?

Stop phoning in these joke threads!

Where is the epicness that used to be RolStoppable.

I'm sorry, but I'm glad that Zen poured hot grease on you.

You are no longer the king of joke threads. It's soriku.

I am not even sure if you know that this isn't a joke thread. But anyway, Soriku always was the king, that's why I am linking to his best work in my signature. It's impossible to top that. His thread is so ridiculously stupid, but people still fell for it left and right. It takes a genius to accomplish something like that.


This is a joke thread, just your sad attempt at making it not look like one.

Around the Network
SmokedHostage said:
This topic blew my mind. Anyway, Rol, as always, your "I figured out why" topics have proven your genius. Make another one next week?

Next weeks episode: I figured out why my "I figured out why" threads have pushed DMeisterJ to the limit.


RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:

I am not even sure if you know that this isn't a joke thread. But anyway, Soriku always was the king, that's why I am linking to his best work in my signature. It's impossible to top that. His thread is so ridiculously stupid, but people still fell for it left and right. It takes a genius to accomplish something like that.


This is a joke thread, just your sad attempt at making it not look like one.

Hm, you have been slow on the uptake previously and later on you excused yourself by saying that you were being sarcastic. I guess the same thing is happening here once again.

What praytell are you speaking of Mr Stoppable?

This is no sarcasm or joke.  This is a bad joke thread.

I'm reporting you for this not being in the off-topic forum.

noname2200 said:
RolStoppable said:
Year Total software Nintendo TS on N systems N on N systems
1995 43,651,061
17.2 % 25,011,036 30.1 %
1996 48,748,137 24.4 % 22,759,956 52.3 %
1997 54,131,017 22.1 % 18,031,249 66.2 %
1998 52,783,679 21.5 % 15,997,446 71.0 %
1999 57,011,875 28.4 % 21,257,080 76.1 %
2000 43,656,066 28.0 % 17,009,408 71.8 %
2001 37,552,977 27.8 % 15,875,806 65.7 %
2002 39,426,395 27.5 % 15,676,613 69.0 %
2003 38,090,171 28.9 % 17,848,319 61.7 %
2004 37,083,160 44.5 % 19,152,460 86.1 %
2005 37,518,329 38.8 % 19,937,058 73.0 %
2006 68,801,404 46.7 % 42,871,494 75.0 %
2007 71,173,503 39.3 % 49,634,494 55.6 %
2008 45,374,201 37.1 % 29,127,487 57.8 %

Good lord, I never realized just how much more of the pie Nintendo took with the DS. That's one hell of a jump. I wonder...


In any case, good work on the research and analysis. You've given us a lot to think about.




 Haven't you seen this video?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:

I am not even sure if you know that this isn't a joke thread. But anyway, Soriku always was the king, that's why I am linking to his best work in my signature. It's impossible to top that. His thread is so ridiculously stupid, but people still fell for it left and right. It takes a genius to accomplish something like that.


This is a joke thread, just your sad attempt at making it not look like one.

Soma said:

 Haven't you seen this video?

Nope. Will do now though. Thanks.

RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:

Hm, you have been slow on the uptake previously and later on you excused yourself by saying that you were being sarcastic. I guess the same thing is happening here once again.

What praytell are you speaking of Mr Stoppable?

This is no sarcasm or joke.  This is a bad joke thread.

I'm reporting you for this not being in the off-topic forum.

Is that your final answer?

Yes Regis, Final Answer.