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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games I'll never play this gen. What are yours?

Possibly MGS4 and other big Sony franchises ( is more possible that i get a X360 than a PS3)

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These are only on the platforms that I have:

The Orange Box
Tales of Vesperia (I would not count it as a truly great game though)
Resident Evil 5
Dead Space

xbox360- Fable 2. Didn't really care for the first one.... Wasn't that much fun for me. So I will miss the sequel.

Ps3- Killzone 2. Again didn't like the original.

Wii- ssbb....Haven't played fighting games since street fighter 2

Supernova82 said:
The good Nintendo Wii games = SMG, SSBB, MK Wii and Metrod Prime 3. I would never buy a Nintendo Wii because of the emphasis on casual gaming.


 As you can tell from my sig, I'm not too happy w/ the wii.  But mario (kart, galaxy and paper) and zelda alone were worth the purchase.  But most non-nintendo games are crap on the wii.

edit-haven't played ssbb or metroid prime 3

Barring a PC port, I'll never play Fable II. I'm not buying an XBOX 360 for one game. I really, really hope Lionhead announce a special edition for the PC à la Fable - The Lost Chapters. That's about all I feel like I'm missing for this generation. I own a Wii and DS.

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gurok said:
Barring a PC port, I'll never play Fable II. I'm not buying an XBOX 360 for one game. I really, really hope Lionhead announce a special edition for the PC à la Fable - The Lost Chapters. That's about all I feel like I'm missing for this generation. I own a Wii and DS.


 It will be ported. No worries

i Wont miss out on any good games because i have a PS3!

oliminator1994 said:
i Wont miss out on any good games because i have a PS3!

Funny how PS3 fanboys seem to continue to suggest that they don't like games very much at all...


Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

LBP is the only game I don't have access to that I'd want to try, but it's just not worth $460. Not in the age of multiplatform.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

Metal Gear 4, unless some version comes out for the 360...not buying a PS3 for one game