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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games I'll never play this gen. What are yours?

Shadowblind said:
Riachu said:

Tales of Vesperia

Explain yourself.


I have so many games to play.  That's a good explaination, right?  If I had the time to play ToV, I would definitely play it.


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Any good game that comes out on PS3 because I just can't see myself buying one.


Fatal Frame 4 :sobs:

Also any good game that comes out on the DS and the PSP, because my hands are too big to play portable videogames.


Riachu said:
Shadowblind said:
Riachu said:

Tales of Vesperia

Explain yourself.


I have so many games to play.  That's a good explaination, right?  If I had the time to play ToV, I would definitely play it.



 NO IT IS NOT  ToV should have been the first of your many games to play! Best tales game ever, and easily one of the best JRPGs this gen.  Next you'll be telling me that you played IU instead or something  =P 

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Meh... I'll take FFIV DS over ToV any day, despite being a remake of a seventeen-year-old game. Or The World Ends With You, for that matter...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

GooseGaws said:
Meh... I'll take FFIV DS over ToV any day, despite being a remake of a seventeen-year-old game. Or The World Ends With You, for that matter...

After playing all 3 games, I can with much confidence say you've never played Vesperia. All are good games however. To each his own though.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I have indeed played it, though not extensively; I've never been a big fan of the Tales series, mainly due to the battle system. Now Skies of Arcadia, there's a game I can get behind (though I'm not sure what that has to do with anything).

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Since i dont see myself getting a ps3, and i guess you are talking about really playing a game, not just 20 minutes, but actually finish it and all of that.... God of War III. I dont care about other ps3 game, just that one )=

Probably ToV for the 360.

No one has it, and the DS has better RPG's anyways. I am not going to pay insane amounts of money off ebay when I can just buy DS, GBA and PS2 RPG's.