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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games I'll never play this gen. What are yours?

I'll never be able to play Ninja Gaiden II or Fable 2. The games look awesome but I'll never buy a 360 so I'll most likely never end up playing them.=/

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NG2 is great, but it is not really me.

Can you not afford an Arcade (even in the future with price drops) to play Fable 2?

Or do you have a philosophical objection to buying a 360 or time constraints?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
NG2 is great, but it is not really me.

Can you not afford an Arcade (even in the future with price drops) to play Fable 2?

Or do you have a philosophical objection to buying a 360 or time constraints?

I plan on buying a DS next and after that a PS3. By the time I do get them and all the games i want for them the NEXT-GEN would have started already. My friends had 360 it RRoD and now he has a PS3. I like it better. Nothing against 360.

de Blob, Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney series-have heard great things about both but I might not play them.

EDIT:Tales of Vesperia(sorry, Soriku)

I only own a Wii and a DS, but we have an Xbox360 and a PS3 in my flat, so at the very least I get to try out games on consoles I don't own.

For this reason I'm not planning on buying an HD console anytime soon. Anyhow, my Wii and DS are more than enough to keep me occupied.

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If everything goes well, Lost Odyssey will be the only thing I missed.

Little Big Planet

Valkyria00 said:

I'll never be able to play Ninja Gaiden II or Fable 2. The games look awesome but I'll never buy a 360 so I'll most likely never end up playing them.=/


Don't u have any friends?

If by "play" you mean spending at least one session with the game in the console or handheld, virtually none. If you mean complete or play extensively, almost everything. Who has the time?

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Riachu said:

Tales of Vesperia

Explain yourself.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.