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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guess to which games this songs belong

Come on, I need more people participating, I only have 4

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The ones I got were too easy, the rest were too hard

The first one I recognized made me smile though, haha. That game is too awesome.

I'll send you a PM... will you take off for wrong guesses?

Double post


c0rd said:

The ones I got were too easy, the rest were too hard

The first one I recognized made me smile though, haha. That game is too awesome.

I'll send you a PM... will you take off for wrong guesses?

No, so guess all you want


Okay, wow....I knew like 3 of those.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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I can't listen it! ;(

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

I think the MP3 broke, I can't seem to play or download it....I get a 404 error :(

The player doesn't work and the download is broken. Please fix or upload elsewhere.

Strange, it's still working for me. I'll try uploading elsewhere

Added a Rapidshare link in the OP