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Forums - Sony Discussion - Own a PS3? Go online? Hello Big Brother.

meh, you're making too much of this. no big deal.

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Oops...Double post.

Serious_frusting said:
DMeisterJ said:

Of course.

Anything that can be spun horribly for Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft by fanboys is news worthy to idiots.


said like a man


That's better.

Don't act like Sony gets all the hate at this site becuase that's bullshit.

Garcian Smith said:

-Prohibit you from creating subaccounts for your friends.

-Prohibit you from giving out your age, real name, or AIM/e-mail to other PSN members.

-Monitor anything and everything you say or do on PSN, and remove any content you post without notice or reason.

-Update your PS3 automatically, without notice, potentially gimping certain features or bricking your system, and they're not responsible for the consequences.

All I read here are this:

1) Gamers have friends?

2) Isn't that general standard practive to NOT give out those details to people you don't know over the internet.

3) ISP and Google already do that.

4) Windows already does that. (Automatic updates).


Hmm, pie.

That link doesn't even work...

If you're going to post some anti-Sony news, at least get a working link.



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...just take the ): out of the link and it works...

ssj12 said:
you guys are missing the boat, again. on this subject.

Let me c + p a post off

Re: Who Owns Your Little Big Planet Creations? (Hint: probably
Submitted by E. Zachary Knight - October 18, 2008 at 3:57 pm -0500


You may have the opportunity to post, stream or transmit pictures, photographs, game-related materials, music, home video content or other information through PSN to share with the PSN community (“User Material”). We may provide you with content to use in the creation of User Material. User Material created by you will belong to you, although any content provided by us will still belong to us and/or our licensors as explained in Section 7 above.

You authorise us, our affiliated companies and other PSN users, to use, distribute, copy, modify, display, and publish your User Material throughout PSN and other associated services. You also authorise us and our affiliated companies, without payment to you, to license, sell and otherwise commercially exploit your User Material (for example, selling subscriptions to access User Material and/or receiving advertising revenue related to User Material), and to use your User Material in the promotion of PlayStation products and services. You must not commercially exploit User Material without our consent. You waive any moral rights you may have in your User Material. By posting, streaming or transmitting User Material you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to use, post, stream and transmit such User Material and to grant the rights set out in this paragraph.

Alright, this makes no sense at all. I highlighted a few points here. First they say that the user creating the content owns it. Then they say that they have all rights to sell use or "commercially exploit" your stuff without your approval. Then they say that you cannot "commercially exploit" your own work without their permission. Finally, they say that you can only send stuff over their service if you own it.

They sure have a funny definition of ownership.

Just by this section alone, I will never be buying a PS3 or LBP. Thanks for solidifying that decision for me Sony.

This reminds me of the Google Chrome situation from before, where Google claimed ownership of everything that was sent or displayed throught their browser.

E. Zachary Knight
Oklahoma City Chapter of the ECA
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Re: Who Owns Your Little Big Planet Creations? (Hint: probably
Submitted by Spartan - October 18, 2008 at 5:04 pm -0500

It makes perfect sense. They are saying you "own" your creation but that you can gain nothing from it except bragging rights and that you give them total rights to use/control and to profit from it without any compensation going to you. Your ownership is in name only per say. Think of it as a license within a license. Seems to me should a one sided situation without any good faith negotiation simply would not hold up in court.


so basically Sony is just looking to use LBP content in a similar fashion as they are with echochrome's. It is jsut a bit more advanced since LBP is more advanced.

That guy should probably read the terms of service off that operating system he isa currently typing on. Off to Linux and no more PC games for him then.


PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Ok, lets compare the Xbox Live Terms of Use with the PSN ToS

PSN: There are two types of PSN accounts where available: Master Accounts and Sub Accounts. All PSN accounts must have an associated PSN mailbox for receiving text mail.

If you have reached the legal age of majority, you can create a Master Account for yourself. Where available, each Master Account can create up to six (6) associated Sub Accounts. You are not permitted to create Sub Accounts for persons under the legal age of majority who are not your children or for whom you are not the legal guardian. Your children must be of a certain age in order to have a Sub Account. Sub Accounts may not be available in all countries.

Live: We may allow you to have additional persons use your Service account and/or have additional member accounts associated to your Service account. We refer to these as "associated accounts." We may limit who may use your Service account or any associated accounts. You represent that you are the parent or legal guardian of each minor that you allow to use your Service account or associated account. You acknowledge that you are aware that some features of the Service and some content available through the service may contain or expose users to material that is unsuitable for minors, and you agree to supervise usage by minors whom you permit to use the Service.

I.E they are both saying the same thing. When you make a sub-account/associated account, you are declaring that you are the legal guardian or parent of whoever is getting the account if they are a minor. If they aren't a minor, then there is no issue. Hence you CAN make sub-accounts for your mates on PSN, provided they are not minors.

PSN: You may not provide anyone with your name or any other personally identifying information other than your own Online ID, or the name, password or personally identifying information of any other person or business through any means, including messaging, chat or any other form of PSN communication.

Live (from Code of Conduct, that you have to abide by) Don't give out information that personally identifies you (such as your real name, address, phone number, credit card number, etc.) while you're playing. This includes voice chat and the names you create for your gamertag or mottos. This information could be used by other players for illegal or harmful purposes. Also, don't give out the personal information of other players.

Both the same again.

PSN: Unless otherwise required by applicable law, there is no requirement or expectation that SCEA will monitor or record any online activity on PSN, including communications. However, SCEA reserves the right to monitor and record any online activity and communication throughout PSN and you give SCEA your express consent to monitor and record your activities. SCEA reserves the right to remove any content and communication from PSN at SCEA's sole discretion without further notice to you. Any data collected in this way, including the content of your communications, the time and location of your activities, your Online ID and IP address and other related information may be used by us to enforce this Agreement or protect the interests of SCEA, its users, or licensors. Such information may be disclosed to the appropriate authorities or agencies. Any other use is subject to the terms of the applicable Privacy Policy.

Live: We do not routinely monitor your use of the messaging features of the Service. However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we may monitor your messages and may disclose information about you, including contents of messages, if we deem it necessary to: (1) conform to legal requirements or respond to legal process, (2) ensure your compliance with this contract, or (3) protect the rights, property, or interests of Microsoft, its employees, its customers or the public.

I.E Both are the same again. PSN is more explicit in what it can record, but Live isn't saying they don't collect that data either.

PSN: From time to time, it may become necessary for SCEA to provide certain content to you to ensure that PSN and content offered through PSN, your PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system or other SCEA-authorized hardware is functioning properly in accordance with SCEA guidelines. Some content may be provided automatically without notice when you sign into PSN. Such content may include automatic updates or upgrades which may change your current operating system, cause a loss of data or content or cause a loss of functionalities or utilities.

Live: Microsoft reserves complete and sole discretion with respect to the operation of the Service. Microsoft may, among other things: (a) restrict or limit access to the Service; (b) retrieve information from the original Xbox, Xbox 360 console, personal computer, and any connected peripheral device used to log onto the Service as necessary to operate and protect the security of the Service, and to enforce this Agreement; and upgrade, modify, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of the Service or any game from time to time without notice, which may involve the automatic download of related software directly to your original Xbox, Xbox 360 console, personal computer, and which software may prevent you from accessing the Service, playing pirated games, or using unauthorized peripheral devices.

In summary. They both have the same draconian terms of use. Why, because like all big companies, they are shit scared of getting sued. Let the public outcry if they misuse their power keep them in line. And Garcian, do your homework before trying to trump up some more Sony hate, otherwise you'll just look like an idiot. Thanks