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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tomb Raider Underworld Looks as Good as Uncharted?

What do you think?  They play fairly similar already, but looking at screens and videos, I think Lara may just surpass Drake.



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Hmmz doesn't look better to me; Or are you talking about her two famous pixels?

I just went and looked at the images on IGN and the games are not even in the same league. Uncharted just has so much more detail then this game.

Looks great, but you may get some serious flak from the Uncharted prepared! We wont really know until the game releases and a fair comparison is made. Uncharted has already proven iteself TR Underworld, had not.

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Are you kidding me?

This game looks like utter crap compared to Uncharted..



the second pic especially looks good but ill wait till it comes out to give a final judgement

leo-j said:
Are you kidding me?

This game looks like utter crap compared to Uncharted..




leo-j said:
Are you kidding me?

This game looks like utter crap compared to Uncharted..


 Wow. After such advancements in gaming, we have become very spoiled. Four years ago, you wouldn't be caught dead saying things like this. The screenshots posted above look like the FMV sequences from PS1 games of the past. Things I liked to call "movie mode" as a kid.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Wow. I guess I'm alone in this one..........

But the game should at least satisfy Uncharted fans while we wait for the sequel. I guess I'm the only one that felt Tomb Raider Legend was in Uncharted 1's league as far as gameplay?