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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - XNA Programmers

Ufff, after the first small programs developed for a dedicated processor in assembly, they're gonna start to feel pain in the nuts, and that means true manhood...

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C# is not a good idea for first-time programming. You'll become dependent on Microsoft platforms (Xbox and Windows) and will find it harder to make things cross-platform.

C# is C++ and Java with the Microsoft Difference - software lock-in to MS tools and platforms, poor documentation of advanced functions and obscure bugs that make it incompatible with any non-C# software libraries.

Game programming uses C++. That's the industry standard. You may find it easier to learn Java first - that's more forgiving than C++.


whatever I program in binary. my keyboard only has a 1 and 0...i'm even writing this message in binary. phhtttt....

yeah...i'm taking a game programming's all done in flash/actionscript...except my teacher really sucks. class started with 18 students. now it is down to 8, about 5 show up for class....(first several classes where watching adobe video tutorials...remind me how that is teaching?)

and...the final project is sponsored by some company and you can win 2K or 3k (depending on who gets 1st and 2nd)...

and i'm still contemplating dropping.

they have an XNA class. but it's the same teacher.

sorry...for carrying on. just frustrated.

Believe me, real (good and experienced) game programmers use any language they need, be it C, C++, asm, python or own made high level languages crafted for AI and any use they need.

My advice is, if you are serious about this, to start using C or C++ and DirectX 9.0c or 10. It may be a bit harder, but it will pay by itself. If it's just going to be a small hobby try XNA for Windows, as it's going to need less programming skills. Starting with game programming can be daunting and frustrating. If you really want to get serious, remember to have lots of patience, and play nice games you like to get inspiration and see what your current frustrations can give you and others in the future :)

Real men don't care about the language they use, they use whatever is ideal for the job at the time.

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debvgger said:
Believe me, real (good and experienced) game programmers use any language they need, be it C, C++, asm, python or own made high level languages crafted for AI and any use they need.

My advice is, if you are serious about this, to start using C or C++ and DirectX 9.0c or 10. It may be a bit harder, but it will pay by itself. If it's just going to be a small hobby try XNA for Windows, as it's going to need less programming skills. Starting with game programming can be daunting and frustrating. If you really want to get serious, remember to have lots of patience, and play nice games you like to get inspiration and see what your current frustrations can give you and others in the future :)

That's awesome, thanks for the advice ^_^


Hi mjhenry42,

if you are still interested, a good start for understanding the basics of computer graphics are the nehe tutorial at . These ones are classic. Ok its Opengl, but it will serve you well in understanding the graphics pipeline and basic lighting models.


FaRmLaNd said:
Real men don't care about the language they use, they use whatever is ideal for the job at the time.


And .Net is designed to be the ultimate in cross-platform languages.  All languages can compile to the .Net runtime(aka the CLR) and work perfectly with any other .Net compiled language.  In other words, C# compiled could access classes compiled in C++, Basic, F#, etc.  Also, any OS that implements the .Net runtime could run any bytecode that is compiled to the .Net runtime(CLR).  It is like Java's cross-platform ability but any language can be used.  It has not gotten completely there yet, but it seems to me that this is the ultimate in compatibility.  Use any language, be compatible with all other languages, run anywhere.