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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What a shame, it was a beautiful song !

ok i found out what the first refrence was " kul nefsin yodrikukum elmoot" which pretty much means the same thing as the second refrence

so the singer singing about death i guss ?!?! maybe he lost a loved one .

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I'm a muslim and I loved this song. I'm glad Sony have the decency to at least acknowledge the mistake and do something about it for the respect of another's religion.

More then the fact of the words being from the Qur'an, i thing it's eerie to have a song with these words (depressing words) on a game like LBP, considering it is a happy vibrant game. Although the music goes well with the game, I don't see how the versus of the song go well with it.

Correct me if I am wrong, maybe the level it was chosen maybe have some depressing story to it.