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Forums - Sony Discussion - SOCOM Server issues are out of control (Personal account)

AnarchyWest said:
so you felt posting here would do what?

Obviously he's posting this to warn others that are interested in this game about the problems they may face and suggesting they hold off until the problem is fixed. Considering this is an online only game, it's basically useless if the online isn't right. Hopefully they get this fixed soon and this isn't another Smash Bros. or Castle Crashers debacle.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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ultraslick said:
1.5 hour install? Wow.

You seem pretty sour about this, I have seen you complaining in other threads as well. (but I can't blame you)

I went in to Toys R us earlier to do the buy 2 get 1 free deal. I got NBA2K9, and 2 copies of Dead Space. (one for me and one for my friend)

Point is, I was going to get Socom but the girl said that they sold out already. I think the sales will be surprisingly large for that game. Including the mic is really smart on Sony's part.


Hey, im gonna do the same thing tomorrow and for the same games :). Fortunately, my TRU has the socom bundle, but unfortunately, Dead Space and Socom (even the game only) are priced higher (68) while everything else is normal.

I thought Sony's top shooters had amazing dedicated servers?

I got 2 copies of SOCOM at Toys R US and Dead Space. I'm taking the other SOCOM back for RockBand 2 next week.

i havent had any problems playing this at my friends house for the past 6 maybe just your net sucks? i dunno but the game is fun and i will be picking it up, hopefully with the mic :D

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^It's definately not my internet. I have a 6meg connection. I think the biggest load of trouble I was having came during peak hours when most of teh servers were full. I tried playing again around 130am EST and was able to get in to at least one game (after a couple tries in others). Eventhough I got into the game it was still bittersweet because lag was rampant and the server I was on had 16round win games with 20 minute times per round, so I never finished a single complete game.

From what I played, I would definately agree that this is the game I've been looking for. The amount of tactics and communication among team members is extremely high, something that is woefully lacking, unless you join a clan in other online shooters. Warhawk is like a drop in a bucket compared to this game.

^Patch and install. Now keep in mind, I bought the game from a retail store, meaning I had the disc in hand and needed no downloading from the net. The install time alone from the disc took an hour of that 1.5 hours. The patching part was much more reasonable. I can only imagine how long people downloading it from PSN have to wait.

The boot up process is terrible. The install doesn't start after 5 minutes when you tell it to install. The patch took around 40 minutes to download and install. Then I got a data corrupted error.

As for joining games, I only had problems on Thursday where I couldn't get passed the title screen. I've been playing it yesterday for 2-3 hours straight though. No problems at all. No disconnects, boots or anything. The only bad thing is that it doesn't record your stats. The game is loads of fun.