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btw I hate everyone equally.... :p Like Gunny Heartman I feel you are all equally worthless.

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Nah. I'd bang any woman.

d21lewis said:
Nah. I'd bang any woman.


D21Lewis is a genius, with his views on racism we can finally put this nasty issue of society behind us lol.

his arab the new black?
here's a poll that was made in 2008 in my province


Fifty-nine per cent of Quebecers admit to being racist to some degree, according to a Léger Marketing survey published Monday in Le Journal de Montréal.

In comparison, only 47 per cent of those outside of Quebec say they are racist to some degree. One per cent of Quebecers surveyed said they were very racist, 15 per cent said moderately racist and 43 per cent responded that they were mildly racist.

The findings stunned Jean Dorion of the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
"I do not perceive the Quebec society as being racist," he told Le Journal de Montréal.

The findings come from three surveys done in late December and early January. The first two surveys were conducted over the internet, with 2,228 Quebecers taking part, while the third survey interviewed 3,092 people across Canada.
The survey looked at Quebecers' views of a variety of cultural groups.

It found 36 per cent of Quebecers have a bad opinion of Jewish people, while 27 per cent have a poor opinion of blacks. Fifty per cent have a bad opinion of Muslims.

Jean-Marc Léger, president of Leger Marketing, said Quebecers are influenced by the images of Muslims seen after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.
"The Arab community carries the weight of September 11 and religious extremists," Léger told Le Journal de Montréal. "People were thinking of them when they answered the survey."

Bashir Hussein, who represents Quebec in the Council of Muslim Communities of Canada, said people are also shaped by the media coverage of violence in the Middle East.

"Whatever people read in the newspapers, they form their opinion from," he told CBC News.
Survey methods questioned

Jack Jedwab, a Montrealer who has done extensive statistical and demographic work, questions how the survey was structured, especially the sections asking Quebecers if they consider themselves racist.

Quebecers were asked if they consider themselves very racist, moderately racist, slightly racist or not racist at all.

Jedwab said in three out of four answers, respondents end up labelling themselves racist.

If Jedwab were writing the question, he would have made the ratio two questions out of four, asking people if they are very racist, somewhat racist, not racist or not at all racist.

Jedwab, who's the executive director of the Montreal-based Association of Canadian Studies, said it's dangerous to have a survey that shows such a high level of racism.

"It will lead people to say, 'Let's face it, everyone's racist,'" he told CBC News Online. "They'll think it's to be expected. That will minimize the resolve to combat this problem of racism that needs to be addressed."

The Quebec portion of the survey is considered to have a margin of error of 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20. The one done outside Quebec had a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.


Here in Quebec we don't have the same history has the state with slavery, so if so many people admit to be racist i would belive there's more of them in the states or in countries like south africa then Quebec. But I do know the poll where made back when we had a problem with ''reasonable accomodement'', people here don't want any kind of religious item in schools and muslems where pressuring our governement to allow the ''Hijab'' in schools also they were requiring a time to pray at work and all sort of extravagant things so that made the people mad. Montreal is one of the most multicultural city in north america but racism is still there

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

No, not at all. I worry, though, because I see too many Daily Mail readers.

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I hate racism does that make me racist?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

SamuelRSmith said:
No, not at all. I worry, though, because I see too many Daily Mail readers.


 Not as bad as *looks around and whispers* News of the world readers.

Im not, but i find myself making jokes that are highly inappropriate....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Cueil said:
Dogs Rule said:
konnichiwa said:
chapset said:
Dogs Rule said:
Chapset, la fille qui enfile ses jeans est sublime! SUBLIME!!!!

hey!!! c'est ma cousine



 I think Dogs Rule would like to know her =p;

Me a racist it is hard to be one when my family haves a lot of nationalities.

I am more and more hating Religions. As an atheist I always have to respect the people who are religious but they don't respect me/us.

I strongly agree with your two first statements! ;)

Eventually, thanks to the fact that love and sex transcend race, we'll all be mixed races/cousins and we'll therefore be happier and less likely to kills each other in wars for being different.

That's just retarded... it's awsome to actually be able to go to a place where a group of people have taken their country of origin and kind of brought it to the US... I don't ever want that to go away... I rather like to see people respect that others have a diffrent culter... i don't want everyone to be all mixed up.


Ah come on it is not really retarted it is just something he likes.....  I would rather say it is naive because the majority of the wars are not about being an other race especially in the history of Europe even countries with the same language/race/religion had wars.


No, seriously, you think anyone would even think of giving an honest "yes" answer? Bah.

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.