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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Damn, buying a handheld never been so hard, PSP 3000 or DS Lite.

All I'll say is this: you want ports of previous RPGs from the past, or you want to play new innovative RPGs?

With that said, none of the RPGs on both handhelds are bad.

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Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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i agree with beja - psp and then dsi.

i have both but the ds currently gets a lot more play time.

Get the PSP 3000 and use it as your phone. With the money you save, get a DSi when it comes out.

If money is no option, get the Apple Air. It is the best portable gaming device.


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Well, I think that the DS has a lot more variety in their games, but how good the library is depends solely on what kind of games you like. If you invest in a 20-30 dollar flash cart, then you will be able to use your DS for some media capabilities like playing music, watching videos, etc. Not to mention illegal ROM's for free, but you can do that kinda stuff with the PSP, too.

Buying a PSP now and selling it later for the DSi would also be a good option, but you will probably hang on to your PSP once you get it (unless you want both).

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85

PSP, then a DS

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I tend to use my PSP for its media capabilities. I have two or three games only. If you're in it for the game pick the DS. Otherwise get the PSP, then get the DSi.

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

PSP has Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core FFVII as well as God of War COO. All Exclusive to the PSP...

DS has...Pokemon... LOL! its your call.

Get a PSP, better media capabilities and has a lot of good games. If your into the whole homebrew scene you'll have a lot of fun with your PSP. I own a DS Lite and I have only played it once in the last year, only because there are too many remakes and crappy third party garbage. Not to say the PSP has gotten its fair share of re-makes but in comparison the DS owns by a far margin in remakes.

Own: PSP, DS, Wii, PS3(20GB- Swapped w/500GB)

End of Year Sales Expectations for 2009 (Added December 23, 09):

Wii: 63 mil

PS3: 32 mil

Xbox360: 37 mil

It depends what your looking for if you like Nintendo titles then the DS is great for you and has a nice RPG line up...

Former something....

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
PSP has Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core FFVII as well as God of War COO. All Exclusive to the PSP...

DS has...Pokemon... LOL! its your call.


 Yeah right, DS has Pokemon and Dragon Quest IX as well as Chrono Trigger. All Exclusive to the DS...

PSP has.. Crisis Core.. LOL! it's you call.

You see what i did there?

On a serious note, don't pay attention to these kind of biased posts, you should look at the games that you could buy so you can have an idea, i have seen a lot of RPG's announcement for the DS in the last months (don't know for the PSP though) so i can tell that if you like RPG's you will be pleased with it.

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